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There are 10 eight-letter words containing REAN

AUROREANaurorean adj. Belonging to the dawn, or resembling it in brilliant hue.
AUROREAN adj. relating to the dawn, also AURORAL.
CESAREANcesarean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Cesarean.
cesarean n. Alternative letter-case form of Cesarean.
Cesarean adj. Alternative spelling of Caesarean.
CREANCEScreances n. Plural of creance.
CREANCE n. the cord used in training a hawk.
EMPYREANempyrean n. (Historical) The region of pure light and fire; the highest heaven, where the pure element of fire was…
empyrean adj. Of the sky or the heavens; celestially refined.
EMPYREAN adj. pertaining to the sky, also EMPYREAL.
FLOREANTFLOREANT v. (Latin) may they flourish.
REANOINTreanoint v. To anoint again.
REANOINT v. to anoint again.
REANSWERreanswer v. (Transitive) To answer again or anew.
reanswer v. To repay, compensate, or make amends for.
REANSWER v. (Shakespeare) to be equivalent to.
RECREANTrecreant adj. (Now rare, poetic) Having admitted defeat and surrendered; defeated.
recreant adj. (Now poetic, literary) Unfaithful to someone, or to one’s duties or honour; disloyal, false.
recreant n. Somebody who is recreant, who yields in combat; a coward or traitor.
SEGREANTsegreant adj. (Heraldry) A posture of winged quadrupeds: rampant, wings elevated and addorsed.
SEGREANT adj. in heraldry, with raised wings.
VENEREANvenerean adj. (Obsolete) Devoted to the offices of Venus, or love; venereal.
VENEREAN n. a person addicted to sexual intercourse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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