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There are 19 eight-letter words containing RDIE

BARDIESTBARDY adj. (Scots) scolding, impudent.
BEARDIERbeardier adj. Comparative form of beardy: more beardy.
BEARDY adj. having a beard.
BEARDIESbeardies n. Plural of beardy.
beardies n. Plural of beardie.
BEARDIE n. a fish, the bearded loach.
BOARDIESboardies n. Plural of boardie.
boardies n. (Australia, New Zealand) Boardshorts.
BOARDIES n. (Australian slang) a pair of board shorts.
CURDIESTcurdiest adj. Superlative form of curdy: most curdy.
CURDY adj. having the texture of curds.
ETOURDIEETOURDIE adj. (French) foolish, thoughtless (of a female).
GOURDIERGOURDY adj. of a horse, swollen in the legs.
HARDIESThardiest adj. Superlative form of hardy: most hardy.
HARDY adj. very sturdy.
LARDIESTlardiest adj. Superlative form of lardy: most lardy.
LARDY adj. like lard.
MARDIESTmardiest adj. Superlative form of mardy: most mardy.
MARDY adj. petulant.
NERDIESTnerdiest adj. Superlative form of nerdy: most nerdy.
NERDY adj. socially inept, also NURDY, NURDISH, NERDISH.
NURDIESTNURDY adj. socially inept, also NERDY, NURDISH, NERDISH.
STURDIEDsturdied adj. (Obsolete) Having the disease called sturdy.
STURDIED adj. afflicted with sturdy.
STURDIERsturdier adj. Comparative form of sturdy: more sturdy.
STURDY adj. strongly built.
STURDIESSTURDY n. a disease of sheep.
SWARDIERSWARDY adj. covered with turf.
TARDIESTtardiest adj. Superlative form of tardy: most tardy.
TARDY adj. late.
WEIRDIESweirdies n. Plural of weirdie.
weirdies n. Plural of weirdy.
WEIRDY n. a very strange person, also WEIRDIE, WEIRDO.
WORDIESTwordiest adj. Superlative form of wordy: most wordy.
WORDY adj. verbose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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