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There are 8 eight-letter words containing RARE

INFRAREDinfrared n. (Uncountable) The electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter than…
infrared n. (Countable) A specific wavelength in this range.
infrared n. (Countable) A device that emits infrared radiation.
RAREBITSrarebits n. Plural of rarebit.
RAREBIT n. a dish of melted and seasoned or simply toasted cheese on toast.
RAREFIEDrarefied adj. Distant from the lives and everyday concerns of ordinary people; esoteric, exclusive, select.
rarefied adj. Elevated in style or nature, sublime; of high intellectual or moral value.
rarefied adj. (Of a gas etc.) Less dense than usual; thin.
RAREFIERrarefier n. One who or that which rarefies.
RAREFIER n. something or someone that rarefies.
RAREFIESrarefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rarefy.
RAREFY v. to make less dense, also RARIFY.
RARENESSrareness n. The property of being rare; rarity.
RARENESS n. the quality of being rare, also RARITY.
RARERIPErareripe adj. (Agriculture) ripening early (said most commonly of peaches and onions).
rareripe adj. (By extension, of a person, uncommon) maturing too quickly; taking on the trappings of maturity before…
rareripe n. An agricultural plant that ripens early.
ULTRAREDultrared adj. (Dated) infrared.
ultrared n. (Dated) infrared.
ULTRARED n. a part of the visible spectrum, also INFRARED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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