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There are 8 seven-letter words containing RUND

GERUNDSgerunds n. Plural of gerund.
GERUND n. a verbal form such as 'cooking' that functions as a noun.
GRUNDLEgrundle n. (Slang) A big bunch, lots.
grundle n. (Colloquial) A small grumble.
grundle v. (Colloquial) To emit a grumble, or a lesser version thereof.
RUNDALErundale n. (Historical) A system of land tenure in which farmland was divided into irregular strips and allocated…
RUNDALE n. (Scots) a system of holding land in single detached pieces, also RUNRIG.
RUNDLEDrundled adj. Having rundles; runged.
RUNDLED adj. having a rung.
RUNDLESrundles n. Plural of rundle.
Rundles prop.n. Plural of Rundle.
RUNDLE n. a round, a rung of a ladder.
RUNDLETrundlet n. A small barrel of no certain dimensions, which may contain from 3 to 20 gallons.
rundlet n. A measure for liquids, as for wine, usually 18.5 gallons.
RUNDLET n. (archaic) an old liquid measure equal to about 15 gallons.
RUNDOWNrundown n. (Chiefly with definite article "the") A rough outline of a topic or situation.
rundown n. (Gambling) A summary of the horses to be raced on a particular day, with their weights, jockeys, odds, etc.
rundown n. (Baseball) A defensive play in which the runner is caught between two fielders, who steadily converge…
TRUNDLEtrundle n. A low bed on wheels that can be rolled underneath another bed.
trundle n. (Obsolete) A low wagon or cart on small wheels, used to transport things.
trundle n. (Obsolete) A small wheel or roller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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