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There are 8 seven-letter words containing RTIA

INERTIAinertia n. (Physics, uncountable or countable) The property of a body that resists any change to its uniform motion;…
inertia n. (Figuratively) In a person, unwillingness to take action.
inertia n. (Medicine) Lack of activity; sluggishness; said especially of the uterus, when, in labour, its contractions…
MARTIALmartial adj. (Comparable) Of, relating to, or suggestive of war; warlike.
martial adj. (Comparable) Connected with or relating to armed forces or the profession of arms or military life.
martial adj. (Comparable) Characteristic of or befitting a warrior; having a military bearing; soldierly.
MARTIANmartian adj. (Nonstandard) Alternative letter-case form of Martian (“of or pertaining to the planet Mars”).
martian n. Alternative form of Martian packet.
Martian adj. Of or relating to the planet Mars, or (science fiction) its imagined inhabitants.
PARTIALpartial adj. Existing as a part or portion; incomplete.
partial adj. (Computer science) describing a property that holds only when an algorithm terminates.
partial adj. Biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view, especially when dealing with a competition or dispute.
SHORTIAshortia n. (Botany) Any of the subshrubs and perennial herbs of the genus Shortia.
Shortia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diapensiaceae – certain subshrubs or perennial herbs.
SHORTIA n. a perennial herb.
TERTIALtertial n. (Ornithology) Any flight feather attached to the humerus (upper arm) of a bird.
TERTIAL n. a flight feather of a bird's wing, also TERTIARY.
TERTIANtertian adj. (Medicine, of a fever) Characterised by paroxysms recurring every other day (that is, every third day…
tertian adj. (Music) Pertaining to the mean-tone temperament, in which major thirds are perfectly in tune.
tertian n. A tertian fever.
TERTIASTERTIA n. (Scott) an infantry regiment, originally Spanish, also TERCIO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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