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There are 14 seven-letter words containing RSIN

ARSINESarsines n. Plural of arsine.
ARSINE n. a poisonous gas, arsenic hydride.
BIRSINGBIRSE v. (Scots) to bruise.
BOURSINBOURSIN n. a mild, smooth, creamy cheese without rind.
CURSINGcursing v. Present participle of curse.
cursing n. The act of one who curses.
CURSING n. the act of wishing evil upon.
FARSINGfarsing v. Present participle of farse.
farsing n. The insertion of vernacular paraphrases into a Latin liturgy.
FARSE v. to expand a narrative by interpolation.
HORSINGhorsing v. Present participle of horse.
horsing n. The military punishment of placing somebody on the back of another person, or on a wooden horse, etc., to be flogged.
HORSING n. the birching of a person mounted on another's back.
NURSINGnursing adj. In the state of suckling young, lactating.
nursing adj. Referring to nurses.
nursing n. Suckling, such as breastfeeding.
PARSINGparsing n. (Uncountable) The act or process in which an agent (person or computer) parses something (a text, a program).
parsing n. (Countable) An instance of that act or process; a parse.
parsing n. (Countable) Any result of such an instance; a parse; an acceptation.
PERSINGpersing v. Present participle of perse.
Persing prop.n. A surname.
PERSE v. (Spenser) to pierce, also PERCE, PEARCE.
PURSINGpursing v. Present participle of purse.
pursing n. An expression or motion that purses.
PURSE v. to pucker, esp. the lips.
VERSINEversine n. (Trigonometry) The versed sine.
VERSINE n. a versed sine, a trigonometric function of an angle, also VERSIN.
VERSINGversing v. Present participle of verse.
versing n. A poem.
VERSING n. the composing of verse.
VERSINSVERSIN n. a versed sine, a trigonometric function of an angle, also VERSINE.
WORSINGWORSE v. (obsolete) to defeat, also WORST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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