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There are 20 seven-letter words containing RRAN

ARRANGEarrange v. (Transitive) To set up; to organize; to put into an orderly sequence or arrangement.
arrange v. (Transitive, intransitive) To plan; to prepare in advance.
arrange v. (Music, transitive, intransitive) To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation…
CURRANScurrans n. Plural of curran.
Currans prop.n. Plural of Curran.
CURRAN n. (Scots) a grain, a small quantity, also CURN.
CURRANTcurrant n. A small dried grape, usually the Black Corinth grape, rarely more than 4 mm in diameter when dried.
currant n. The fruit of various shrubs of the genus Ribes, white, black or red.
currant n. A shrub bearing such fruit.
ERRANCYerrancy n. The state of being in error; fallibility.
errancy n. Holding the view that the Pope is not infallible.
ERRANCY n. an instance of erring.
ERRANDSerrands n. Plural of errand.
errands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of errand.
ERRAND n. a message or mission.
ERRANTSerrants n. Plural of errant.
ERRANT n. a knight errant, a person who is errant.
FARRANDfarrand adj. (Obsolete, Scotland, Ireland, Northern England) Having a specified form or disposition; fashioned.
Farrand prop.n. A surname.
FARRAND adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or humour, also FARAND, FARRANT.
FARRANTFARRANT adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or appearance, also FARAND, FARRAND.
GARRANSgarrans n. Plural of garran.
GARRAN n. (Irish) a small sturdy horse, also GARRON.
MARRANOmarrano n. (Historical) A Jew who converted to Catholicism under threat or force.
Marrano n. (Historical) Any of the Sephardi Jews who stayed in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition, and continued…
MARRANO n. (Spanish) a Jew who has converted to Christianity to avoid persecution.
OVERRANoverran v. Simple past tense of overrun.
OVERRUN v. to swarm over.
SERRANOserrano n. A chili pepper, a cultivar of Capsicum annuum which originated in the mountainous regions of the Mexican…
Serrano prop.n. A surname.
SERRANO n. (Spanish) a Mexican hot pepper.
SERRANSSERRAN n. a fish of the genus Serranus, that includes sea bass and grouper.
SIERRANSierran adj. Of or relating to Sierra Nevada.
Sierran n. A native or inhabitant of Sierra Nevada.
Sierran n. A member of the Sierra Club, a US environmental organization founded in 1892.
SPORRANsporran n. A small pouch, usually made of either fur or plain or fur-trimmed leather, which is worn, suspended…
SPORRAN n. (Gaelic) a large purse worn by Scottish Highlanders.
TERRANEterrane n. (Geology) A block of the Earth’s crust that differs from the surrounding material, and is separated…
TERRANE n. a kind of rock formation.
WARRANDwarrand v. Obsolete form of warrant.
WARRAND v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAN.
WARRANSWARRAN v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAND.
WARRANTwarrant n. Authorization or certification; a sanction, as given by a superior.
warrant n. (Countable) Something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof.
warrant n. (Countable) An order that serves as authorization; especially a voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money.
YARRANSyarrans n. Plural of yarran.
YARRAN n. (Native Australian) a small eucalyptus tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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