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There are 10 seven-letter words containing RIBE

ASCRIBEascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a cause or characteristic to someone or something.
ascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a book, painting or any work of art or literature to a writer or creator.
ascribe v. (Nonstandard, with to) To believe in or agree with; subscribe.
BRIBEESbribees n. Plural of bribee.
BRIBEE n. one who receives a bribe.
BRIBERSbribers n. Plural of briber.
BRIBER n. one who bribes.
BRIBERYbribery n. The making of illegal payment, or bribes, to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions.
bribery n. (Law) the activity of giving, offering or accepting bribes.
BRIBERY n. an act of influencing corruptly.
CARIBEScaribes n. Plural of caribe.
CARIBE n. (Spanish) a South American freshwater fish, remarkable for its voracity, aka piranha.
ESCRIBEescribe v. (Transitive, geometry) To draw outside of; used to designate a circle that touches one of the sides…
ESCRIBE v. to construct a circle touching a triangle externally.
RIBEYESribeyes n. Plural of ribeye; Ellipsis of ribeye steaks.
rib-eyes n. Plural of rib-eye; Synonym of ribeye steaks; Alternative form of ribeyes; Ellipsis of rib-eye steaks.
rib␣eyes n. Plural of rib eye; Synonym of ribeye steaks; Alternative form of ribeyes; Ellipsis of rib eye steaks.
SCRIBEDscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of scribe.
SCRIBE v. to mark with a pointed instrument.
SCRIBERscriber n. A sharp-pointed tool, used by joiners for drawing lines; a marking awl.
Scriber prop.n. A surname.
SCRIBER n. a scribing tool for marking material.
SCRIBESscribes n. Plural of scribe.
SCRIBE v. to mark with a pointed instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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