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There are 11 seven-letter words containing RECI

GRECIANGrecian adj. (Obsolete or poetic) Greek (of or from Greece or the Greek people, especially those of Ancient Greece).
Grecian n. (Obsolete) A native or inhabitant of Greece.
Grecian n. A senior pupil at Christ’s Hospital School in West Sussex, England.
GRECISEGrecise v. Alternative form of Grecize.
GRECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECIZE, GRAECIZE, GRAECISE.
GRECIZEgrecize v. Alternative letter-case form of Grecize.
Grecize v. (Transitive) To render Grecian, or cause (a word or phrase in another language) to take a Greek form.
Grecize v. (Transitive) To translate into Greek.
PRECIPEprecipe n. (Law) Alternative form of praecipe.
PRECIPE n. (Latin) a writ commanding something to be done, or requiring a reason for neglecting it, also PRAECIPE.
PRECIPSprecips n. Plural of precip.
PRECIP n. (short for) precipitation.
PRECISEprecise adj. Exact, accurate.
precise adj. (Sciences, of experimental results) consistent, clustered close together, agreeing with each other (this…
precise adj. Adhering too much to rules; prim or punctilious.
RECIPESrecipes n. Plural of recipe.
recipés n. Plural of recipé.
RECIPE n. a set of instructions for making something.
RECITALrecital n. The act of reciting (the repetition of something that has been memorized); rehearsal.
recital n. The act of telling the order of events of something in detail the order of events; narration.
recital n. That which is recited; a story, narration, account.
RECITEDrecited v. Simple past tense and past participle of recite.
RECITE v. to say from memory.
RECITERreciter n. One who recites.
RECITER n. one who recites.
RECITESrecites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recite.
RECITE v. to say from memory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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