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There are 11 seven-letter words containing RAMI

ARAMIDSaramids n. Plural of aramid.
ARAMID n. a strong lightweight synthetic fibre, from which Kevlar is made.
CERAMICceramic adj. Made of material produced by the high-temperature firing of inorganic, nonmetallic rocks and minerals.
ceramic n. (Uncountable) A hard, brittle, inorganic, nonmetallic material, usually made from a material, such as…
ceramic n. (Countable) An object made of this material.
FRAMINGframing v. Present participle of frame.
framing n. The placing of a picture, etc. in a frame.
framing n. The placing of something in context.
GOURAMIgourami n. An edible freshwater fish of the family Osphronemidae.
GOURAMI n. (Malay) a large East Indian freshwater fish, also GORAMY, GURAMI.
GURAMISguramis n. Plural of gurami.
GURAMI n. (Malay) a large freshwater food fish of Asia, also GORAMY, GOURAMI.
KERAMICkeramic adj. Dated form of ceramic.
keramic n. Dated form of ceramic.
KERAMIC n. an item made of baked clay, also CERAMIC.
MACRAMImacrami n. Archaic form of macramé.
MACRAMI n. (Turkish) a fringe or trimming of knotted thread, also MACRAME.
PYRAMIDpyramid n. An ancient massive construction with a square or rectangular base and four triangular sides meeting…
pyramid n. A construction in the shape of a pyramid, usually with a square or rectangular base.
pyramid n. (Geometry) A solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal (often square or rectangular) base.
PYRAMISpyramis n. (Obsolete) A pyramid.
PYRAMIS n. (Shakespeare) a pyramid.
RAMILIERamilie prop.n. (Attributive, historical) Applied to various 18th-century fashions or articles of dress, especially…
RAMILIE n. a wig with a long plait at the back, fashionable in the 18th century, also RAMILLIE.
SURAMINsuramin n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of suramin sodium.
SURAMIN n. a drug used in the treatment of trypanosomiasis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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