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There are 16 seven-letter words containing RALL

AURALLYaurally adv. Pertaining to sound or the ear; via or through the sense of hearing.
AURALLY adv. like an ear.
CORALLAcoralla n. Plural of corallum.
CORALLUM n. (Latin) the skeleton of a coral colony.
ENTRALLENTRALL n. (Spenser) an entrail.
GYRALLYgyrally adv. In a gyral manner.
GYRAL adv. moving in a circular path or way; gyratory.
JURALLYjurally adv. In jural terms.
JURAL adv. pertaining to law.
MORALLSmoralls n. Plural of morall.
MORALL n. (Shakespeare) a mural.
MORALLYmorally adv. In terms of morals or ethics.
morally adv. In keeping of requirements of morality.
morally adv. To all intents and purposes; practically.
OVERALLoverall adj. All-encompassing, all around.
overall adv. Generally; with everything considered.
overall n. (Britain) A garment worn over other clothing to protect it; a coverall or boiler suit. A garment, for…
RALLIEDrallied v. Simple past tense and past participle of rally.
RALLY v. to call together for a common purpose, also RALLYE, REALLIE.
RALLIERrallier n. One who rallies.
RALLIER n. one who rallies.
RALLIESrallies n. Plural of rally.
rallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rally.
RALLY v. to call together for a common purpose, also RALLYE, REALLIE.
RALLINEralline adj. (Ornithology, rare) Of, or pertaining to members of the Rallidae family (also referred to as rails).
RALLINE adj. pertaining to the rail family of birds.
RALLYESrallyes n. Plural of rallye.
RALLYE n. (US) a (car) rally.
RURALLYrurally adv. In a rural way.
rurally adv. In a rural place; in the countryside.
RURAL adv. belonging to the countryside.
THRALLSthralls n. Plural of thrall.
thralls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thrall.
Thralls prop.n. Plural of Thrall.
VIRALLYvirally adv. In a viral fashion; often specifically in the context of viral marketing.
virally adv. (Medicine) Due to, or by means of, a virus or viruses.
VIRAL adv. relating to or caused by a virus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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