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There are 20 seven-letter words containing RACT

ATTRACTattract v. (Transitive) To pull toward without touching.
attract v. (Transitive) To draw by moral, emotional or sexual influence; to engage or fix, as the mind, attention…
attract v. (Transitive) To incur.
BRACTEDbracted adj. (Botany) Having bracts.
BRACTED adj. having a bract.
CARACTScaracts n. Plural of caract.
CARACT n. (Shakespeare) a mark, a sign.
CARRACTCARRACT n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACK, CARRECT.
CHARACTcharact n. (Obsolete) A letter or character.
charact n. (Obsolete) A character or personality.
charact n. (Archaic) A magical symbol.
DETRACTdetract v. (Intransitive) To take away; to withdraw or remove.
detract v. (Transitive) To take credit or reputation from; to defame or decry.
DETRACT v. to take away.
EXTRACTextract n. Something that is extracted or drawn out.
extract n. A portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work; a citation; a quotation.
extract n. A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential…
FRACTALfractal n. (Mathematics) A mathematical set that has a non-integer and constant Hausdorff dimension; a geometric…
fractal n. (Figurative) An object, system, or idea that exhibits a fractal-like property.
fractal adj. (Mathematics) Having the form of a fractal.
FRACTEDfracted adj. (Heraldry) Having a part displaced, as if broken; said of an ordinary.
fracted adj. Broken.
FRACT v. to break; to violate.
FRACTURfractur n. Alternative spelling of fraktur.
FRACTUR n. (German) a German style of black letter, the normal type used for printing German from the 16th to the mid 20th century, also FRAKTUR.
FRACTUSfractus n. (Meteorology) A cloud species which consists of broken shreds of cloud; scud.
FRACTUS n. (Latin) a ragged cloud.
INFRACTinfract v. (Transitive) To infringe, violate or disobey (a rule).
infract v. (Transitive) To break off.
infract adj. Not broken or fractured; unharmed; whole.
OVERACToveract v. (Acting) To act in an exaggerated manner.
overact v. (Obsolete, transitive) To act upon, or influence, unduly.
OVERACT v. to act with exaggeration.
PRACTICpractic n. A person concerned with action or practice, as opposed to one concerned with theory.
practic adj. (Archaic) Practical.
practic adj. (Obsolete) Cunning, crafty.
REFRACTrefract v. (Intransitive, of light) To change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
refract v. (Transitive, optics) To cause (light) to change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
REFRACT v. to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light.
RETRACTretract v. (Transitive).
retract v. (Intransitive) To draw back; to draw up; to withdraw.
retract n. An act of retracting or withdrawing (A mistake, a statement, etc.); a retraction.
TETRACTtetract adj. Tetractinal; having four rays.
tetract n. An organism having four rays.
TETRACT n. a sponge spicule, also TETRAXON.
TRACTEDtracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tract.
TRACT v. (Spenser) to trace, track.
TRACTORtractor n. (Agriculture) A vehicle used in farms e.g. for pulling farm equipment and preparing the fields.
tractor n. (Agriculture) A movable coop without a floor to allow for free ranging.
tractor n. (US) A truck (or lorry) for pulling a semi-trailer or trailer.
TRACTUStractus n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A tract.
TRACTUS n. (Latin) a psalm sung instead of the Alleluia in Lent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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