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There are 14 seven-letter words containing RACI

BORACICboracic adj. Relating to, or impregnated with borax.
boracic adj. (Dated, inorganic chemistry) Synonym of boric.
boracic adj. (Cockney rhyming slang) penniless.
BRACINGbracing v. Present participle of brace.
bracing adj. Invigorating or stimulating.
bracing n. (Uncountable) That which braces.
GRACILEgracile adj. (Also figuratively) Lean, slender, thin.
gracile adj. (Chiefly zoology, anthropology, paleontology) Of an animal or skeletal element: having a slender frame.
gracile adj. Graceful or gracefully slender.
GRACINGgracing v. Present participle of grace.
gracing n. (Music) The use of a grace note.
GRACE v. to give beauty to.
ORACIESoracies n. Plural of oracy.
ORACY n. skill in oral communication.
PERACIDperacid n. (Chemistry) Any acid that contains a peroxy group - e.g. peracetic acid.
peracid n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyacid of a particular element that has the largest number of oxygen atoms…
PERACID n. a type of acid.
RACIESTraciest adj. Superlative form of racy: most racy.
RACY adj. pungent.
RACINGSracings n. Plural of racing.
RACING n. the sport of engaging in contests of speed.
RACINOSracinos n. Plural of racino.
RACINO n. a racetrack that offers additional facilities for gambling.
RACISMSracisms n. Plural of racism.
RACISM n. a doctrine of racial superiority, also RACIALISM.
RACISTSracists n. Plural of racist.
RACIST n. an advocate of racism.
TRACINGtracing n. The reproduction of an image made by copying it through translucent paper.
tracing n. A record in the form of a graph made by a device such as a seismograph.
tracing n. The process of finding something that is lost by studying evidence.
TURACINturacin n. (Organic chemistry) A red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.
TURACIN n. a red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.
URACILSuracils n. Plural of uracil.
URACIL n. a form of pyrimidine present in living tissue as a base of RNA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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