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There are 16 seven-letter words containing RACH

ARACHISArachis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – flowering plants, of which the peanut is the best known.
ARACHIS n. (Greek) a Brazilian plant genus that includes monkey-nut.
BRACHAHBRACHAH n. (Hebrew) a blessing, also BROCHO.
BRACHESbraches n. Plural of brach.
BRACH n. a female hunting hound, also BRACHET, BRATCHET.
BRACHETbrachet n. (Obsolete) A female hunting hound that hunts by scent; a brach.
BRACHET n. (Scots) a hunting dog, also BRACH, BRATCHET.
BRACHIAbrachia n. Plural of brachium.
BRACHIUM n. (Latin) the upper arm; the segment of the fore limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
BRACHOTbrachot n. Plural of bracha.
BRACHAH n. (Hebrew) a blessing, also BROCHO.
CURRACHcurrach n. (Nautical) An Irish boat, constructed like a coracle, and originally the same shape; now a boat of similar…
CURRACH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURAGH, CURRAGH.
DRACHMAdrachma n. The currency of Greece in ancient times and again from 1832 until 2001, with the symbol ₯, since replaced…
drachma n. A coin worth one drachma.
drachma n. An Ancient Greek weight of about 66.5 grains, or 4.3 grams.
DRACHMSdrachms n. Plural of drachm.
DRACHM n. (Greek) a Greek monetary unit, also DRACHMA.
EARACHEearache n. (Medicine) A pain in the middle or inner ear.
earache n. (Informal) Annoyance or aggravation caused by noise, especially the sound of someone nagging, complaining…
EARACHE n. a pain in the ear.
ORACHESoraches n. Plural of orache.
ORACHE n. a plant of the goosefoot family, also ORACH.
RACHETSrachets n. Plural of rachet.
RACHET n. a mechanism which allows motion in one direction only.
RACHIALrachial adj. Synonym of rachidial.
RACHIAL adj. relating to a rachis, the spine or axis of a feather.
TRACHEAtrachea n. (Anatomy) A thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi.
trachea n. (Botany, dated) The xylem vessel.
trachea n. (Entomology) One of the cuticle-lined primary tubes in the respiratory system of an insect, which extend…
TRACHLETRACHLE v. to draggle, also TRAUCHLE.
URACHUSurachus n. (Anatomy) A band of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus.
URACHUS n. (Greek) a cord or band of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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