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There are 9 six-letter words containing RISM

CHRISMchrism n. A mixture of oil and balm, consecrated for use as an anointing fluid in certain Christian ceremonies…
CHRISM n. a consecrated oil, also CHRISOM.
LYRISMlyrism n. The act of playing on a lyre or harp.
LYRISM n. the quality of being lyrics, also LYRICISM.
MERISMmerism n. (Literature, rhetoric) A reference to something by its polar extremes, as in "we searched high and low".
merism n. (Literature, rhetoric) A reference to something by a list of its parts.
MERISM n. repetition of parts.
OGRISMOGRISM n. the state of being ogreish, also OGREISM.
PORISMporism n. (Geometry, number theory) A proposition affirming the possibility of finding such conditions as will…
porism n. A corollary.
PORISM n. (Greek) the geometric proposition that it is possible, in certain conditions, for a problem to have any number of solutions.
PRISMSprisms n. Plural of prism.
PRISM n. (Greek) a solid figure of which the two ends are similar, equal, and parallel rectilineal figures, and the sides parallelograms.
PRISMYprismy adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to a prism.
PRISMY adj. having colours as from a prism.
PURISMpurism n. An insistence on pure or unmixed forms.
purism n. (Uncountable) An insistence on the traditionally correct way of doing things.
purism n. (Countable) An example of purist language etc.
VERISMverism n. (Art, literature) Presenting common, everyday subjects, specifically eschewing the heroic or legendary.
verism n. (Art) Synonym of verismo (“19th-century art movement”).
VERISM n. realism in art or literature, also VERISMO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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