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There are 17 six-letter words containing RILL

ARILLIarilli n. Plural of arillus.
ARILLUS n. (Latin) an outer covering of some seeds, also ARIL.
BRILLObrillo adj. (Slang) brilliant; excellent.
BRILLO n. (tradename) a type of scouring pad.
BRILLSbrills n. Plural of brill.
brills n. The hair on the eyelids of a horse.
BRILL n. a fish spotted with white.
DRILLSdrills n. Plural of drill.
drills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drill.
DRILL v. to bore a hole in.
FRILLSfrills n. Plural of frill.
FRILL v. to provide with a ruffled edge.
FRILLYfrilly adj. Having frills; frilled.
frilly adj. Over-elaborate or showy in character or appearance.
FRILLY adj. having frills.
GRILLEgrille n. Alternative form of grill (only in the senses of "grating over opening", "grating on the front of a…
GRILLE n. a lattice, grating, screen or openwork of metal, also GRILL.
GRILLSgrills n. Plural of grill.
grills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grill.
GRILL v. to broil on a gridiron.
KRILLSkrills n. Plural of krill.
Krills prop.n. Plural of Krill.
KRILL n. a species of shrimplike creatures.
PRILLSprills n. Plural of prill.
Prills prop.n. Plural of Prill.
PRILL v. to turn into pellet form e.g. by melting and letting the falling drops solidify.
RILLEDrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of rill.
RILL v. to flow like a small brook.
RILLESrilles n. Plural of rille.
RILLE n. a valley on the moon's surface.
RILLETrillet n. A little rill.
RILLET n. a small rill.
SHRILLshrill adj. High-pitched and piercing.
shrill adj. Having a shrill voice.
shrill adj. Sharp or keen to the senses.
THRILLthrill v. (Ergative) To suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure; to (figuratively) electrify;…
thrill v. (Ergative) To (cause something to) tremble or quiver.
thrill v. (Obsolete) To perforate by a pointed instrument; to bore; to transfix; to drill.
TRILLOtrillo n. (Music) A trill or shake.
Trillo prop.n. A surname.
TRILLO n. (Italian) a rapid alternation of two notes a tone or semitone apart, commonly ending with a turn, also TRILL.
TRILLStrills n. Plural of trill.
trills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trill.
TRILL v. to play with a tremulous sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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