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There are 8 six-letter words containing RIGO

FRIGOTfrigot n. Obsolete form of frigate.
FRIGOT n. (Spenser) a frigate.
RIGOLLrigoll n. An old musical instrument consisting of several sticks bound together, but separated by beads, and played…
RIGOLL n. a gutter or water-channel, also RIGOL.
RIGOLSrigols n. Plural of rigol.
RIGOL n. a gutter or water-channel, also RIGOLL.
RIGORSrigors n. Plural of rigor.
Rigors prop.n. Plural of Rigor.
RIGOR n. a sense of chilliness with contraction of the skin.
RIGOURrigour n. Severity or strictness.
rigour n. Harshness, as of climate.
rigour n. A trembling or shivering response.
RIGOUTrig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) to provide with equipment or gear.
rig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) To dress; to clothe, especially in an odd or fanciful manner.
rig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) to expel the holder of an office or other position by means of rigging the election.
TRIGONtrigon n. (Countable, geometry, rare) A triangle.
trigon n. (Countable, historical, music) An ancient triangular harp of Oriental origin which had four strings…
trigon n. (Countable, astrology) A division consisting of three signs.
TRIGOSTrigos prop.n. Plural of Trigo.
TRIGO n. a kind of wheat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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