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There are 3 six-letter words containing RAFE

AGRAFEagrafe n. A hook or fastener on clothing.
AGRAFE n. (French) a hooked clasp used by masons to hold blocks together, also AGRAFFE.
CARAFEcarafe n. A bottle, usually glass and with a flared lip, used for serving water, wine, or other beverages.
carafe n. A glass pot with a spout for pouring, used for both serving coffee and as a receptacle during the brewing process.
CARAFE n. (French) a glass bottle for water or wine at a table, in a bedroom, etc.
STRAFEstrafe v. (Transitive, military, aviation) To attack (ground targets) with automatic gunfire from a low-flying aircraft.
strafe v. (Transitive, military, by extension) To rake (a target) with rapid or automatic gunfire.
strafe v. (Intransitive, video games) To sidestep; to move sideways without turning (a core mechanic of most first-person…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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