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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing RINA

DECHLORINATINGdechlorinating v. Present participle of dechlorinate.
dechlorinating adj. That leads to dechlorination.
DECHLORINATE v. to remove chlorine from.
DECHLORINATIONdechlorination n. The removal of chlorine from water that has been chlorinated.
dechlorination n. (Chemistry) Any reaction in which chlorine atoms are removed from a molecule.
DECHLORINATION n. the act of dechlorinating.
DEFIBRINATIONSdefibrinations n. Plural of defibrination.
DEFIBRINATION n. the act of defibrinating.
DIMENHYDRINATEdimenhydrinate n. (Pharmacology) A crystalline antihistamine over-the-counter drug used to prevent nausea and motion sickness.
DIMENHYDRINATE n. a crystalline antihistamine used esp. to prevent nausea, as in motion sickness.
DOCTRINAIRISMSdoctrinairisms n. Plural of doctrinairism.
DOCTRINAIRISM n. the state of being doctrinaire.
DOCTRINALITIESDOCTRINALITY n. the state of being doctrinal, of or relating to doctrine.
INDOCTRINATINGindoctrinating v. Present participle of indoctrinate.
INDOCTRINATE v. to instruct esp. in fundamentals or rudiments.
INDOCTRINATIONindoctrination n. The act of indoctrinating, or the condition of being indoctrinated.
indoctrination n. Instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or belief system; information.
INDOCTRINATION n. the act of indoctrinating.
INDOCTRINATORSindoctrinators n. Plural of indoctrinator.
INDOCTRINATOR n. one who indoctrinates.
NONDOCTRINAIREnondoctrinaire adj. Not doctrinaire.
NONDOCTRINAIRE adj. not doctrinaire.
PEREGRINATIONSperegrinations n. Plural of peregrination.
PEREGRINATION n. an excursion esp. on foot or to a foreign country.
PERINATOLOGIESSorry, definition not available.
PERINATOLOGISTperinatologist n. An obstetrician specializing in the care of the mother and fetus at higher than normal risk for complications.
ROSTROCARINATE n. a supposed flint implement with beak and keel.
UNDOCTRINAIRESUNDOCTRINAIRE n. a person who does not subscribe to a particular doctrine or theory; a free thinker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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