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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing READ

BANDSPREADINGSBANDSPREADING n. an additional tuning control in some radio receivers whereby a selected narrow band of frequencies can be spread over a wider frequency band, in order to give finer control of tuning.
DREADFULNESSESdreadfulnesses n. Plural of dreadfulness.
DREADFULNESS n. the state of being dreadful.
FINGERBREADTHSfingerbreadths n. Plural of fingerbreadth.
FINGERBREADTH n. the breadth of a finger.
MULTITHREADINGmultithreading n. (Computing) The use of multithreaded code.
MULTITHREADING n. a programming system that enables actions to be carried out simultaneously.
PREADAPTATIONSpreadaptations n. Plural of preadaptation.
PREADAPTATION n. a character of an organism or taxonomic group that takes on a function when none previously existed or that differs from its existing function which has been derived by evolution.
PREADMONISHINGpreadmonishing v. Present participle of preadmonish.
PREADMONISH v. to admonish in advance.
PREADMONITIONSpreadmonitions n. Plural of preadmonition.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREADOLESCENCEpreadolescence n. The period between childhood and adolescence, between the ages of about 9 and 11 for girls, and 10 and 12 for boys.
PREADOLESCENCE n. the period of human development just preceding adolescence.
PREADOLESCENTSpreadolescents n. Plural of preadolescent.
PREADOLESCENT n. a child before the age of thirteen.
READABLENESSESREADABLENESS n. the state of being readable.
READMINISTEREDreadministered v. Simple past tense and past participle of readminister.
THREADBARENESSthreadbareness n. The state or condition of being threadbare.
THREADBARENESS n. the state of being threadbare.
UNREADABLENESSunreadableness n. The quality or state of being unreadable.
UNREADABLENESS n. the state of being unreadable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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