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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing RTIL

ARTILLERISTSartillerists n. Plural of artillerist.
ARTILLERIST n. one who operates artillery.
ARTILLERYMANartilleryman n. (Military) A soldier enlisted in an artillery unit or who uses artillery.
ARTILLERYMAN n. a soldier in the artillery.
ARTILLERYMENartillerymen n. Plural of artilleryman.
ARTILLERYMAN n. a soldier in the artillery.
BERTILLONAGEbertillonage n. (Historical) An early form of biometric identification used on criminals by the French police, making…
bertillonage n. (By extension) A similar form of identification of used on racing greyhounds.
BERTILLONAGE n. (French) a system of criminal identification by detailed measurements.
FERTILISABLEfertilisable adj. Alternative spelling of fertilizable.
FERTILISABLE adj. capable of being fertilised, also FERTILIZABLE.
FERTILIZABLEfertilizable adj. Capable of being fertilized.
FERTILIZABLE adj. capable of being fertilized, also FERTILISABLE.
INTERFERTILEinterfertile adj. Capable of interbreeding.
INTERFERTILE adj. capable of interbreeding.
INTERTILLAGEINTERTILLAGE n. a tillage between other tillages.
INTERTILLINGINTERTILL v. to cultivate between the rows (of a crop).
LACERTILIANSlacertilians n. Plural of lacertilian.
LACERTILIAN n. a member of the lizard family.
SUBFERTILITYsubfertility n. Abnormally low fertility.
SUBFERTILITY n. the state of being subfertile.
UNFERTILISEDunfertilised adj. Alternative spelling of unfertilized.
UNFERTILISED adj. not fertilised, also UNFERTILIZED.
UNFERTILIZEDunfertilized adj. Not fertilized; uninseminated.
UNFERTILIZED adj. not fertilized, also UNFERTILISED.
VESPERTILIANvespertilian adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of bats.
VESPERTILIAN adj. like a bat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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