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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing ROLE

NEUROLEPTICSneuroleptics n. Plural of neuroleptic.
NEUROLEPTIC n. a neuroleptic drug.
NONPETROLEUMnonpetroleum adj. (Of fuel) Not petroleum-based, not containing petroleum.
NONPETROLEUM adj. not derived from petroleum.
OCHROLEUCOUSochroleucous adj. Yellowish-white; having a faint tint of dingy yellow.
OCHROLEUCOUS adj. yellowish white.
PROFITEROLESprofiteroles n. Plural of profiterole.
PROFITEROLE n. (French) a small puff of choux pastry, usually filled with cream and covered with a chocolate sauce.
PROLEGOMENALPROLEGOMENAL adj. of the nature of a prolegomenon, introduction, also PROLEGOMENARY, PROLEGOMENOUS.
PROLEGOMENONprolegomenon n. (Usually in the plural) A prefatory discussion; a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce…
PROLEGOMENON n. prefatory remarks; specifically, a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work.
PROLETARIANSproletarians n. Plural of proletarian.
PROLETARIAN n. a member of the proletariat, also PROLETARY.
PROLETARIATEproletariate n. Alternative spelling of proletariat.
PROLETARIATE n. the poorest labouring class; the wage-earning class, esp. those without capital, also PROLETARIAT.
PROLETARIATSproletariats n. Plural of proletariat.
PROLETARIAT n. the laboring class, also PROLETARIATE.
SAPROLEGNIASSAPROLEGNIA n. any fungus of the genus Saprolegnia, one species of which grows on diseased salmon and was formerly thought to be the cause of the disease.
TETRAPYRROLEtetrapyrrole n. (Biochemistry) any of several natural pigments having a structure of four pyrrole rings connected by…
TETRAPYRROLE n. a chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings joined either in a straight chain or in a ring, as in chlorophyll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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