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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing RINO

ALLOPURINOLSallopurinols n. Plural of allopurinol.
ALLOPURINOL n. a drug used in the treatment of gout.
ANTINEUTRINOantineutrino n. (Physics) The antiparticle of the neutrino.
ANTINEUTRINO n. the antiparticle of the neutrino.
CYPRINODONTScyprinodonts n. Plural of cyprinodont.
CYPRINODONT n. any small tropical or subtropical soft-finned fish of the mostly marine family Cyprinodontidae, resembling carp but having toothed jaws.
FIBRINOGENICfibrinogenic adj. (Biochemistry) That produces fibrin.
FIBRINOGENIC adj. of or like a fibrinogen, also FIBRINOGENOUS.
FIBRINOLYSESfibrinolyses n. Plural of fibrinolysis.
FIBRINOLYSIS n. the usually enzymatic breakdown of fibrin.
FIBRINOLYSINfibrinolysin n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme derived from plasma of bovine origin, or extracted from cultures of certain…
FIBRINOLYSIN n. any of several proteolytic enzymes that promote the dissolution of blood clots.
FIBRINOLYSISfibrinolysis n. The process wherein a fibrin clot, the product of coagulation, is broken down.
FIBRINOLYSIS n. the usually enzymatic breakdown of fibrin.
FIBRINOLYTICfibrinolytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or producing fibrinolysis.
fibrinolytic n. A substance or drug that produces fibrinolysis.
FIBRINOLYTIC adj. relating to fibrinolysis.
NEUTRINOLESSneutrinoless adj. (Physics) Not containing or involving neutrinos.
NEUTRINOLESS adj. without neutrinos.
PENTACRINOIDpentacrinoid n. (Zoology) An immature comatula when it is still attached by a stem.
PENTACRINOID n. a young form of some crinoids that resembles Pentacrinus.
QUADRINOMIALquadrinomial adj. Consisting of four names or parts or terms.
quadrinomial n. (Algebra) An expression consisting of four terms.
QUADRINOMIAL n. an expression of four terms.
TRINOMIALISMtrinomialism n. The use of trinomial nomenclature.
TRINOMIALISM n. the system of naming by three terms.
TRINOMIALISTtrinomialist n. One who uses or promotes trinomial nomenclature.
TRINOMIALIST n. a proponent of trinomialism.
URINOGENITALurinogenital adj. Urogenital.
URINOGENITAL adj. relating to the area holding the genitals and urinary tract, also UROGENITAL.
URINOSCOPIESURINOSCOPY n. the diagnosis of diseases by inspection of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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