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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing RTIS

ADVERTISERSadvertisers n. Plural of advertiser.
ADVERTISER n. one who advertises, also ADVERTIZER.
ADVERTISINGadvertising n. Communication whose purpose is to influence potential customers about products and services.
advertising n. The industry or profession made up of such communications.
advertising v. Present participle of advertise.
AMORTISABLEamortisable adj. Alternative form of amortizable.
AMORTISABLE adj. that can be amortised, also AMORTIZABLE.
AQUAFORTISTaquafortist n. One who prepares etchings or engravings using aqua fortis.
AQUAFORTIST n. an etcher or engraver who uses aquafortis.
ARTISANALLYartisanally adv. In an artisanal manner.
artisanally adv. With regard to, or by artisans.
ARTISANSHIPartisanship n. The property of being an artisan.
ARTISANSHIP n. the state of being an artisan.
BIPARTISANSSorry, definition not available.
BRAGGARTISMbraggartism n. Boasting, boastfulness.
BRAGGARTISM n. boastfulness.
CONCERTISEDconcertised v. Simple past tense and past participle of concertise.
CONCERTISE v. to perform professionally in concerts, also CONCERTIZE.
CONCERTISESconcertises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of concertise.
CONCERTISE v. to perform professionally in concerts, also CONCERTIZE.
EXPERTISINGexpertising v. Present participle of expertise.
EXPERTISE v. to give an expert opinion on, also EXPERTIZE.
FORTISSIMOSfortissimos n. Plural of fortissimo.
FORTISSIMO n. a very loud passage in music.
NONARTISTICnonartistic adj. Not artistic.
NONARTISTIC adj. not artistic.
NONPARTISANnonpartisan adj. Not partisan; impartial and unbiased.
nonpartisan n. One who is not a partisan.
nonpartisan n. A person who has not selected or declared a side or party.
READVERTISEreadvertise v. (Transitive, intransitive) To advertise again.
READVERTISE v. to advertise again, also READVERTIZE.
TRIPARTISMSTRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.
UNAMORTISEDunamortised adj. Not amortised.
UNAMORTISED adj. not amortised.
UNMORTISINGUNMORTISE v. to release from mortise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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