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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing RTAI

APPERTAINEDappertained v. Past participle of appertain.
APPERTAIN v. to relate to.
ASCERTAINEDascertained v. Simple past tense and past participle of ascertain.
ASCERTAIN v. to make sure.
BEAVERTAILSbeavertails n. Plural of beavertail.
beaver␣tails n. Plural of beaver tail.
CERTAINTIEScertainties n. Plural of certainty.
CERTAINTY n. the state of being certain.
CURTAILMENTcurtailment n. The act of curtailing.
CURTAILMENT n. the act of curtailing.
CURTAINLESScurtainless adj. Without curtains.
CURTAINLESS adj. without curtains.
ENCURTAINEDencurtained v. Simple past tense and past participle of encurtain.
ENCURTAIN v. to enclose with curtains.
ENTERTAINEDentertained v. Simple past tense and past participle of entertain.
ENTERTAIN v. to hold the attention or thoughts of; to amuse.
ENTERTAINERentertainer n. A person who entertains others, esp. as a profession, as a singer, actor, presenter, dancer, musician…
entertainer n. Someone who puts on a show for the entertainment or enjoyment of others.
ENTERTAINER n. one who entertains.
FLICKERTAILflickertail n. Nickname for the North American ground squirrel, Citellus richardsoni.
FLICKERTAIL n. in North America, a ground-squirrel.
INCERTAINTYincertainty n. (Obsolete) Uncertainty.
INCERTAINTY n. (obsolete) uncertainty, also UNCERTAINTY.
SCISSORTAILscissortail n. A bird, the scissor-tailed flycatcher.
scissortail n. A dragonfly of the genus Microgomphus.
scissortail n. Any of various fish with forked tails, as the bluefin driftfish (Psenes pellucidus) or the devilfish (genus Assessor).
SILVERTAILSsilvertails n. Plural of silvertail.
SILVERTAIL n. (Australian slang) a wealthy socialite, a social climber.
UNCERTAINLYuncertainly adv. In an uncertain manner.
UNCERTAIN adv. not certain, also INCERTAIN.
UNCERTAINTYuncertainty n. (Uncountable) Doubt; the condition of being uncertain or without conviction.
uncertainty n. (Countable) Something uncertain or ambiguous.
uncertainty n. (Uncountable, mathematics) A parameter that measures the dispersion of a range of measured values.
UNCURTAILEDuncurtailed adj. Not curtailed.
UNCURTAILED adj. not curtailed.
UNCURTAINEDuncurtained adj. Without curtains.
UNCURTAIN v. to remove a curtain from; to reveal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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