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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing ROPA

ANDROPAUSESANDROPAUSE n. the male menopause.
APOTROPAISMapotropaism n. (Religion, mysticism) The use of ritual or other magical means (including charms and/or incantations)…
APOTROPAISM n. a magical practice averting evil.
ARTHROPATHYarthropathy n. (Pathology) Any of several diseases of a joint.
ARTHROPATHY n. a disease of a joint.
ENTEROPATHYenteropathy n. (Pathology) An intestinal disorder or disease.
ENTEROPATHY n. a disease of the intestinal tract.
HYDROPATHIChydropathic adj. Relating to hydropathy.
hydropathic adj. (Chemistry) Relating to hydropathicity.
hydropathic n. A temperance hotel offering hydropathy to guests.
ITEROPARITYiteroparity n. (Biology) The condition of being iteroparous.
ITEROPARITY n. the state of being iteroparous.
ITEROPAROUSiteroparous adj. (Biology) reproducing more than once in a lifetime.
ITEROPAROUS adj. reproducing more than once in a lifetime.
NATUROPATHSnaturopaths n. Plural of naturopath.
NATUROPATH n. a person who practises naturopathy.
NATUROPATHYnaturopathy n. (Alternative medicine) A system of therapy that avoids synthetic drugs and surgery, while emphasizing…
NATUROPATHY n. medical treatment by methods believed to aid nature.
NEPHROPATHYnephropathy n. (Pathology) Damage to, disease of, or abnormality of the kidneys.
NEPHROPATHY n. kidney disease.
NEUROPATHICneuropathic adj. Of or relating to neuropathy.
NEUROPATHIC adj. of or like a neuropathy, an affection of the nervous system or of a nerve, also NEUROPATHICAL.
PROPAGANDASpropagandas n. Plural of propaganda.
PROPAGANDA n. a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions.
PROPAGATINGpropagating v. Present participle of propagate.
PROPAGATE v. to increase by natural process; to multiply.
PROPAGATIONpropagation n. The multiplication or natural increase in a population.
propagation n. The dissemination of something to a larger area or greater number.
propagation n. (Physics) the act of propagating, especially the movement of a wave.
PROPAGATIVEpropagative adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by propagation.
PROPAGATIVE adj. serving to propagate.
PROPAGATORSpropagators n. Plural of propagator.
PROPAGATOR n. one who propagates.
TROPAEOLINStropaeolins n. Plural of tropaeolin.
TROPAEOLIN n. any of a group of dyes of complex structure, also TROPEOLIN.
TROPAEOLUMSTROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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