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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing ROFI

DISPROFITEDdisprofited v. Simple past tense and past participle of disprofit.
DISPROFIT v. (archaic) to cause to fail to profit.
MICROFIBERSmicrofibers n. Plural of microfiber.
MICROFIBER n. a cloth of tightly woven synthetic fibre, also MICROFIBRE.
MICROFIBRESmicrofibres n. Plural of microfibre.
MICROFIBRE n. a cloth of tightly woven synthetic fibre, also MICROFIBER.
MICROFIBRILmicrofibril n. A bundle of cellulose polymer chains held together by weak bonds.
MICROFIBRIL n. a fine fibril.
MICROFICHESmicrofiches n. Plural of microfiche.
microfiches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microfiche.
MICROFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm containing rows of images of pages of printed matter.
MICROFILINGMICROFILING n. the process of microfilming the contents of a file.
MICROFILMEDmicrofilmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of microfilm.
MICROFILM v. to make a microfilm copy of, a photographic film with one or more very small images of printed or other graphic matter.
MICROFILMERmicrofilmer n. A machine for producing microfilm.
MICROFILMER n. one who works with microfilm.
MICROFILTERmicrofilter n. A filter that removes very small particles.
MICROFILTER n. a very small filter.
NEUROFIBRILneurofibril n. (Anatomy) Any of a group of microscopic fibrils through the body of a neuron that extend into the axon and dendrites.
NEUROFIBRIL n. one of a large number of fine fibres present in the cytoplasm of a nerve cell.
PROFICIENCEproficience n. Alternative form of proficiency.
PROFICIENCE n. the state of being proficient, also PROFICIENCY.
PROFICIENCYproficiency n. Ability, skill, competence.
PROFICIENCY n. the state of being proficient, also PROFICIENCE.
PROFICIENTSproficients n. Plural of proficient.
PROFICIENT n. one who is proficient.
PROFITEEREDprofiteered v. Simple past tense and past participle of profiteer.
PROFITEER v. to act as a profiteer.
PROFITEROLEprofiterole n. A small, hollow case of choux pastry with a filling.
PROFITEROLE n. (French) a small puff of choux pastry, usually filled with cream and covered with a chocolate sauce.
RETROFIRINGretrofiring v. Present participle of retrofire.
RETROFIRE v. to cause a retrorocket to become ignited.
RETROFITTEDretrofitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of retrofit.
retrofitted adj. Fitted or installed at a later date.
retro-fitted adj. Alternative spelling of retrofitted.
SUPERPROFITsuperprofit n. Excess profit.
SUPERPROFIT n. an exceptional profit.
UNPROFITINGunprofiting adj. Achieving no gain or profit.
UNPROFITING n. the lack of profit or gain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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