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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing RION

COUNTERIONScounterions n. Plural of counterion.
COUNTERION n. an ion having a charge opposite to that of the substance with which it is associated.
DECURIONATEdecurionate n. The position or office of a decurion.
DECURIONATE n. the office of decurion.
HISTRIONICShistrionics n. Exaggerated, overemotional behaviour, especially when calculated to elicit a response; melodramatics.
HISTRIONICS n. playacting; stagy action or speech.
HISTRIONISMhistrionism n. Histrionic behaviour.
HISTRIONISM n. acting, theatricality, also HISTRIONICISM.
MARIONBERRYmarionberry n. A member of the blackberry family, a cross between the Chehalem berry and olallieberry blackberries.
MARIONBERRY n. a hybrid fruit, a cross between a loganberry and a wild blackberry.
MARIONETTESmarionettes n. Plural of marionette.
MARIONETTE n. (French) a puppet moved by strings, as in a puppet show.
ORCHESTRIONorchestrion n. (Music) A mechanical multiple musical instrument designed to sound like an orchestra or band.
ORCHESTRION n. a name given to various keyboard or barrel organ instruments designed to imitate an orchestra, also ORCHESTRINA.
PERIONYCHIAPERIONYCHIUM n. tissue surrounding a nail.
PUNDIGRIONSPUNDIGRION n. (obsolete) a play on words, a pun.
SEPTENTRIONseptentrion n. (Obsolete) The north or northern regions.
septentrion adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to the north; northern.
SEPTENTRION n. (archaic) the north.
STICHARIONSsticharions n. Plural of sticharion.
STICHARION n. a vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests.
TENEBRIONIDtenebrionid n. (Zoology) Any member of family Tenebrionidae of darkling beetles.
TENEBRIONID n. a dark-coloured nocturnal beetle.
ZWITTERIONSzwitterions n. Plural of zwitterion.
ZWITTERION n. an ion carrying both a positive and negative charge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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