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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing RESO

IRRESOLUBLEirresoluble adj. Difficult if not impossible to resolve; irresolvable.
IRRESOLUBLE adj. that cannot be resolved into parts.
IRRESOLUBLYirresolubly adv. In a irresoluble manner.
IRRESOLUBLE adv. that cannot be resolved into parts.
NONRESONANTnonresonant adj. That does not resonate.
nonresonant adj. That does not involve resonance.
NONRESONANT adj. not resonant.
RESOCIALISEresocialise v. Alternative form of resocialize.
RESOCIALISE v. to socialise again, also RESOCIALIZE.
RESOCIALIZEresocialize v. (Transitive) To socialize again or anew; to rehabilitate into society.
RESOCIALIZE v. to socialize again, also RESOCIALISE.
RESOFTENINGresoftening v. Present participle of resoften.
RESOFTEN v. to soften again.
RESOLDERINGresoldering v. Present participle of resolder.
resoldering n. The act of soldering something again.
RESOLDER v. to solder again.
RESOLUTIONSresolutions n. Plural of resolution.
RESOLUTION n. the act of resolving.
RESONATIONSresonations n. Plural of resonation.
RESONATION n. the act of resonating.
RESORCINOLSresorcinols n. Plural of resorcinol.
RESORCINOL n. a colourless phenol used in dyeing, photography and medicine, also RESORCIN.
RESORPTIONSresorptions n. Plural of resorption.
RESORPTION n. the act of resorbing, esp. of a mineral by rock magma.
RESOURCEFULresourceful adj. Capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use; using materials at…
RESOURCEFUL adj. able to meet situations.
RESOURCINGSRESOURCING n. the act of providing a resource.
TORTURESOMEtorturesome adj. Characterised or marked by torture; torturous.
TORTURESOME adj. torturous.
VENTURESOMEventuresome adj. Bold; willing to take risks; adventurous.
venturesome adj. Potentially hazardous; risky.
VENTURESOME adj. involving risk.
WHERESOEVERwheresoever conj. Wherever.
wheresoever adv. Wherever.
WHERESOEVER adv. in whatever place, also WHERESO, WHEREVER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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