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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing RECR

FIRECRACKERfirecracker n. A small explosive device, typically containing a small amount of gunpowder in a tightly-wound roll of…
firecracker n. A peanut butter cracker baked with marijuana, similar in concept to an Alice B. Toklas brownie.
firecracker n. A person or thing that is exciting and/or unpredictable.
PRECREASINGprecreasing v. Present participle of precrease.
PRECREASE v. to crease in advance.
PRECRITICALprecritical adj. Before a critical stage.
precritical adj. Prior to the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
PRECRITICAL adj. prior to the development of critical capacity.
RECREANCIESrecreancies n. Plural of recreancy.
RECREANCY n. the state of being a recreant, also RECREANCE.
RECREATIONSrecreations n. Plural of recreation.
re-creations n. Plural of re-creation.
RECREATION n. refreshment of strength and spirits after work.
RECREMENTALrecremental adj. Recrementitious.
RECREMENTAL adj. relating to recrement, a secretion of the body absorbed again by the body.
RECRIMINATErecriminate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To accuse in return, state an accusation in return, make a countercharge.
RECRIMINATE v. to charge one's accuser.
RECRUDESCEDrecrudesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of recrudesce.
RECRUDESCE v. of a disease, sore, or hostile feeling, to break out again.
RECRUDESCESrecrudesces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recrudesce.
RECRUDESCE v. of a disease, sore, or hostile feeling, to break out again.
RECRUITABLErecruitable adj. Able to be recruited.
recruitable adj. Suitable for recruitment.
RECRUITABLE adj. that can be recruited.
RECRUITINGSrecruitings n. Plural of recruiting.
RECRUITING n. the act of looking for recruits.
RECRUITMENTrecruitment n. The process or art of finding candidates for a post in an organization, or recruits for the armed forces.
recruitment n. A style or process of recruiting.
recruitment n. (Biology, ecology) The addition of new adult or breeding-age individuals (recruits) to a population.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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