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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing REBR

CEREBRALISMcerebralism n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The doctrine that non-physical phenomena are functions or products of the brain only.
cerebralism n. (Countable) Something cerebral.
CEREBRALISM n. the theory that all mental operations originate in the brain.
CEREBRALISTcerebralist n. (Philosophy) One who accepts cerebralism.
CEREBRALIST n. an adherent of cerebralism.
CEREBRATINGcerebrating v. Present participle of cerebrate.
CEREBRATE v. to engage in intellectual activity.
CEREBRATIONcerebration n. The act of cerebrating; thinking, reflection, thought.
CEREBRATION n. the unconscious action of the brain.
CEREBRIFORMcerebriform adj. Resembling the outer surface of the brain.
CEREBRIFORM adj. shaped like the brain.
CEREBROSIDEcerebroside n. (Biochemistry) Any of several glycosphingolipids found in the membranes of muscle and nervous tissue.
CEREBROSIDE n. any of various glycolipids found esp. in nerve tissue.
DECEREBRATEdecerebrate adj. (Biology) Having the cerebrum removed.
decerebrate v. To remove the cerebrum in order to eliminate brain function.
DECEREBRATE v. to eliminate cerebral brain function in (an animal) by removing the cerebrum, as for purposes of experimentation.
DECEREBRISEDECEREBRISE v. to deprive of the cerebrum, also DECEREBRIZE.
DECEREBRIZEdecerebrize v. Synonym of decerebrate.
DECEREBRIZE v. to deprive of the cerebrum, also DECEREBRISE.
HAREBRAINEDharebrained adj. (Of an idea or plan etc) Absurd, foolish or stupid.
harebrained adj. (Of a person) Frivolous and silly; featherbrained or scatterbrained.
hare-brained adj. Alternative form of harebrained.
PROCEREBRALprocerebral adj. Relating to the procerebrum.
PROCEREBRAL adj. relating to the procerebrum, the forebrain, the proencephalon.
PROCEREBRUMprocerebrum n. (Anatomy) The prosencephalon.
PROCEREBRUM n. the forebrain, the prosencephalon.
REBRANCHINGrebranching v. Present participle of rebranch.
rebranching n. A secondary branching.
REBRANCH v. to form secondary branches.
REBRANDINGSrebrandings n. Plural of rebranding.
REBRANDING n. the act of assigning a new brand.
REBREATHERSrebreathers n. Plural of rebreather.
REBROADCASTrebroadcast v. To broadcast again.
REBROADCAST v. to broadcast again (a radio or television program being simultaneously received from another source).
SMORREBRODSsmorrebrods n. Plural of smorrebrod.
smörrebröds n. Plural of smörrebröd.
smørrebrøds n. Plural of smørrebrød.
TEREBRATINGterebrating v. Present participle of terebrate.
TEREBRATE v. to bore into; to pierce.
TEREBRATIONterebration n. The act of terebrating, or boring through something.
terebration n. (Medicine) A pain that feels like boring or drilling.
TEREBRATION n. a pain that feels as though a drill is boring through some body part.
TEREBRATULAterebratula n. (Zoology) Any of the genus Terebratula of brachiopods.
Terebratula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Terebratulidae – certain brachiopods.
TEREBRATULA n. a member of Terebratula, the lampshell genus of brachiopods, with perforated beak.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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