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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing RABI

ADORABILITYadorability n. The quality of being adorable; adorableness.
ADORABILITY n. the state of being adorable.
ARABICISINGarabicising v. Present participle of arabicise.
ARABICISE v. to make Arabic, also ARABICIZE.
ARABICIZINGArabicizing v. Present participle of Arabicize.
ARABICIZE v. to make Arabic.
ARABILITIESARABILITY n. the ability to be ploughed.
ARABINOSIDEarabinoside n. (Organic chemistry) A glycoside which yields arabinose after being split by hydrolysis.
ARABINOSIDE n. a glycoside that yields arabinose on hydrolysis.
ARABISATIONArabisation n. That which has been Arabised.
Arabisation n. The process of Arabising.
ARABISATION n. the process of arabising, also ARABIZATION.
ARABIZATIONArabization n. The process of Arabizing.
Arabization n. That which has been Arabized. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ARABIZATION n. the process of arabizing, also ARABISATION.
ATRABILIOUSatrabilious adj. (Medicine, obsolete) Having an excess of black bile.
atrabilious adj. Characterized by melancholy.
atrabilious adj. Ill-natured; malevolent; cantankerous.
BEARABILITYbearability n. Bearableness.
BEARABILITY n. the ability to be borne.
CARABINEERScarabineers n. Plural of carabineer.
CARABINEER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINIER, CARBINEER, CARBINIER.
CARABINEROScarabineros n. Plural of carabinero.
CARABINERO n. a member of the Spanish national police force serving as frontier guards.
CARABINIERECARABINIERE n. (Italian) an Italian policeman.
CARABINIERIcarabinieri n. The national gendarmerie of Italy.
CARABINIERE n. (Italian) an Italian policeman.
CARABINIERScarabiniers n. Plural of carabinier.
CARABINIER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINEER, CARBINEER, CARBINIER.
EXORABILITYexorability n. The quality or state of being exorable.
EXORABILITY n. the state of being exorable.
MEMORABILIAmemorabilia n. Objects that are connected to or remind their owner of past events.
memorabilia n. Things worth remembering: noteworthy points.
MEMORABILE n. something memorable.
MIRABILISESmirabilises n. Plural of mirabilis.
MIRABILIS n. (short for) aqua mirabilis, a hydrated form of sodium sulphate.
OPERABILITYoperability n. The extent to which a system or device is operable.
OPERABILITY n. the ability to be operated.
RABIDNESSESRABIDNESS n. the state of being rabid.
WEARABILITYwearability n. The state or condition of being (comfortably) wearable.
WEARABILITY n. the ability to be worn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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