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There are 13 ten-letter words containing RUNN

BASERUNNERbaserunner n. (Baseball, softball) A player who is on base and is thus trying to advance to the next base.
base␣runner n. (Baseball) Alternative spelling of baserunner.
BASERUNNER n. a baseball player of the team on bat who is on base or trying to reach base.
FORERUNNERforerunner n. A runner at the front or ahead.
forerunner n. (Sports) By extension, a non-competitor who leads out the competitors on to the circuit, or who runs/rides…
forerunner n. A precursor or harbinger, a warning ahead.
GUNRUNNERSgunrunners n. Plural of gunrunner.
GUNRUNNER n. one who smuggles guns.
GUNRUNNINGgunrunning n. The smuggling of arms and ammunition.
GUNRUNNING n. smuggling guns into a country.
NONRUNNERSnonrunners n. Plural of nonrunner.
non-runners n. Plural of non-runner.
NONRUNNER n. one who is not a runner.
OUTRUNNERSoutrunners n. Plural of outrunner.
OUTRUNNER n. one who outruns.
OUTRUNNINGoutrunning v. Present participle of outrun.
OUTRUN v. to run faster than.
OVERRUNNERoverrunner n. One who, or that which, overruns.
OVERRUNNER n. one that overruns.
RACERUNNERracerunner n. Any of a group of lizards, of the family Teiidae, native to the Americas.
ROADRUNNERroadrunner n. Either of two species of fast-running bird in the genus Geococcyx of the cuckoo family native to North…
ROADRUNNER n. a bird of the turkey family, aka the chaparral cock.
RUMRUNNERSrumrunners n. Plural of rumrunner.
rum-runners n. Plural of rum-runner.
rum␣runners n. Plural of rum runner.
SHOWRUNNERshowrunner n. (Television) The person in overall charge of the production of a television series.
TRUNNIONEDtrunnioned adj. Provided with trunnions.
TRUNNIONED adj. provided with trunnions; as, the trunnioned cylinder of an oscillating steam engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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