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There are 19 ten-letter words containing RNER

BARNBURNERbarnburner n. (Idiomatic) An extremely exciting or successful event or person.
barnburner n. One who burns down a barn.
barnburner n. (Slang, chiefly Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Maryland) a strike-anywhere match.
BASEBURNERbaseburner n. A type of stove that automatically re-adds coal, when needed, to the base using a hopper.
base-burner n. Alternative form of baseburner.
BASEBURNER n. a type of wood stove.
CORNERBACKcornerback n. (American football, Gaelic football, hurling) Any of the defensive players who are in position on each…
CORNERBACK n. a position in American football.
CORNERINGScornerings n. Plural of cornering.
CORNERING n. the act of turning a corner.
CORNERWAYScornerways adv. Diagonally.
CORNERWAYS adv. with the corner in front, also CORNERWISE.
CORNERWISEcornerwise adv. Diagonally.
CORNERWISE adv. with the corner in front, also CORNERWAYS.
DISCERNERSdiscerners n. Plural of discerner.
DISCERNER n. one who discerns.
EASTERNERSeasterners n. Plural of easterner.
Easterners n. Plural of Easterner.
EASTERNER n. one who lives in or comes from the east.
FOREWARNERforewarner n. One who forewarns.
FOREWARNER n. one who forewarns.
NORTHERNERnortherner n. A native or inhabitant of the north of a region (or of the world as a whole), such as one of the northern…
Northerner n. Alternative letter-case form of northerner.
NORTHERNER n. one born or living in the north.
ORNERINESSorneriness n. The state of being ornery.
ORNERINESS n. the state of being ornery.
OVERTURNERoverturner n. One who, or that which, overturns.
OVERTURNER n. one who overturns.
RICKBURNERrickburner n. An arsonist who sets fire to hayricks.
RICKBURNER n. (archaic) an arsonist who sets fire to haystacks.
SOJOURNERSsojourners n. Plural of sojourner.
SOJOURNER n. one who sojourns.
SOUTHERNERsoutherner n. A native or inhabitant of the south of a region (or of the world as a whole), such as the United Kingdom.
southerner n. Alternative letter-case form of Southerner (someone from one of the southeastern United States).
Southerner n. Alternative letter-case form of southerner (native or inhabitant of the south of any region).
STUBBORNERstubborner adj. Comparative form of stubborn: more stubborn.
STUBBORN adj. obstinate.
UNGARNEREDungarnered adj. Not garnered.
UNGARNERED adj. not garnered.
WERNERITESwernerites n. Plural of wernerite.
WERNERITE n. the common grayish or white variety of scapolite.
WESTERNERSwesterners n. Plural of westerner.
Westerners n. Plural of Westerner.
WESTERNER n. one who lives in or comes from the west.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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