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There are 15 ten-letter words containing RIPE

CIRRIPEDEScirripedes n. Plural of cirripede.
CIRRIPEDE n. a barnacle or other parasitic marine crustacean, also CIRRHIPEDE, CIRRIPED.
CYPRIPEDIACYPRIPEDIUM n. a kind of orchid.
DUKKERIPENDUKKERIPEN n. (Romany) fortune-telling.
OVERRIPENSoverripens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overripen.
OVERRIPEN v. to become too ripe.
PERIPETEIAperipeteia n. (Drama) A sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point in Classical tragedy.
peripeteia n. (By extension) Any sudden change in circumstances; a crisis.
peripeteia n. (Psychoanalysis) A turning point in psychosocial development.
PERIPETIANPERIPETIAN adj. of or like a peripeteia, a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation, also PERIPETEIAN.
PERIPETIASperipetias n. Plural of peripetia.
PERIPETIA n. (Greek) a sudden and violent change in circumstances, esp. in drama, also PERIPETEIA, PERIPETY.
PERIPETIESperipeties n. Plural of peripety.
PERIPETY n. (Greek) a sudden change in a course of events.
PINSTRIPEDpinstriped adj. (Of fabric) Having pinstripes.
pinstriped adj. (Of a suit) Made from such fabric.
pinstriped adj. Wearing a suit of this fabric.
PINSTRIPESpinstripes n. Plural of pinstripe.
PINSTRIPE n. a very narrow stripe in cloth.
RATHERIPESratheripes n. Plural of ratheripe.
RATHERIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHRIPE.
RIPENESSESripenesses n. Plural of ripeness.
RIPENESS n. the state of being ripe.
STRIPELESSstripeless adj. Without stripes.
STRIPELESS adj. without a stripe.
TRIPEHOUNDTripehound n. (Aviation, slang, dated) A Sopwith Triplane.
TRIPEHOUND n. (slang) a newspaper reporter.
UNRIPENESSunripeness n. The state or property of being unripe.
UNRIPENESS n. the state of being unripe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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