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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing RINI

CHAGRININGchagrining v. Present participle of chagrin.
chagrining adj. Annoying, vexing.
CHAGRIN v. (French) to humiliate.
CHLORINISEchlorinise v. Alternative spelling of chlorinize.
CHLORINISE v. to chlorinate, also CHLORINIZE.
CHLORINITYchlorinity n. (Chemistry) A quantitative measure of the amount of chlorine and other halides in water, especially in seawater.
CHLORINITY n. in seawater, a measure of the amounts of chlorine, iodine, bromine and fluorine present.
CHLORINIZEchlorinize v. (Transitive) To chlorinate.
CHLORINIZE v. to chlorinate, also CHLORINISE.
DOCTRINISMdoctrinism n. Doctrinal rigidity; using a doctrine without any criticism.
DOCTRINISM n. adherence to doctrines.
DOCTRINISTDOCTRINIST n. one who adheres to doctrines.
ENCRINITALencrinital adj. (Paleontology) Relating to, or containing, encrinites.
ENCRINITAL adj. of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid, also ENCRINAL, ENCRINIC, ENCRINITIC.
ENCRINITESencrinites n. Plural of encrinite.
ENCRINITE n. a fossil crinoid, esp. one belonging to, or resembling, the genus Encrinus.
ENCRINITICencrinitic adj. (Paleontology) Relating to, or containing, encrinites.
ENCRINITIC adj. of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid, also ENCRINAL, ENCRINIC, ENCRINITAL.
ENDOCRINICENDOCRINIC adj. relating to the endocrine gland, also ENDOCRINAL.
ENSHRININGenshrining v. Present participle of enshrine.
enshrining n. Enshrinement.
ENSHRINE v. to place in a shrine, also INSHRINE.
HEPARINISEheparinise v. Alternative form of heparinize.
HEPARINIZEheparinize v. (Medicine, transitive) To treat with heparin, especially so as to prevent coagulation.
INSHRININGinshrining v. Present participle of inshrine.
INSHRINE v. to place in a shrine, also ENSHRINE.
MANDARINICmandarinic adj. Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANDARINIC adj. appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MUSCARINICmuscarinic adj. Of or pertaining to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, usually with regard to agonism or antagonism…
muscarinic adj. (Original (etymonic) sense but not the usual sense) Of or pertaining to muscarine.
muscarinic n. A muscarinic drug: one that modulates (enhances or blocks) the activity of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
TAGLIARINItagliarini n. Alternative spelling of taglierini.
TAGLIARINI n. (Italian) pasta cut into very thin, flat strips.
TRINISCOPEtriniscope n. (Television, historical) An early color television system using three separate video tubes with colored…
TRINISCOPE n. a cathode-ray tube for colour television.
TRINITRATEtrinitrate n. (Chemistry) Any compound containing three nitrate groups.
TRINITRATE n. a nitrate with three nitrate groups in the molecule.
TRINITRINSTRINITRIN n. glyceryl trinitrate, used to treat angina pectoris.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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