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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing RIAR

BRIARROOTSbriar-roots n. Plural of briar-root.
BRIARROOT n. the root of a briar, also BRIERROOT.
BRIARWOODSbriarwoods n. Plural of briarwood.
BRIARWOOD n. the wood of a briar stem, also BRIERWOOD.
FRIARBIRDSfriarbirds n. Plural of friarbird.
friar␣birds n. Plural of friar bird.
FRIARBIRD n. an Australian honeyeater with featherless head.
GREENBRIARgreenbriar n. Alternative form of greenbrier.
MATRIARCHSmatriarchs n. Plural of matriarch.
MATRIARCH n. a woman who is the head of a family.
MATRIARCHYmatriarchy n. A social system in which the mother is head of household, having authority over men and children.
matriarchy n. A system of government by females (particularly as a kind of polity).
matriarchy n. The dominance of women in social or cultural systems.
PATRIARCHSpatriarchs n. Plural of patriarch.
PATRIARCH n. a man who is the head of a family.
PATRIARCHYpatriarchy n. (Anthropology, history) A social system in which the father is head of the household, having authority…
patriarchy n. A power structure in which men are dominant.
patriarchy n. (Christianity) The office of a patriarch; a patriarchate.
SWEETBRIARsweetbriar n. Alternative form of sweetbrier.
SWEETBRIAR n. a wild rose with fragrant foliage, also SWEETBRIER.
TRIARCHIEStriarchies n. Plural of triarchy.
TRIARCHY n. a government by three persons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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