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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing RDAB

ACCORDABLEaccordable adj. Able to be given or dispensed.
accordable adj. (Obsolete) Reconcilable; in accordance.
ACCORDABLE adj. agreeing.
AFFORDABLEaffordable adj. Able to be afforded; inexpensive or reasonably priced.
AFFORDABLE adj. that can be afforded.
AFFORDABLYaffordably adv. In an affordable manner; to an affordable degree.
AFFORDABLE adv. that can be afforded.
HAZARDABLEhazardable adj. Liable to chance or hazard; exposed to dangers; risky or uncertain.
hazardable adj. Capable of being hazarded or risked.
HAZARDABLE adj. liable to hazard or chance; uncertain; risky.
RECORDABLErecordable adj. (Of a CD, DVD etc) Able to be used to record something.
recordable adj. (Of a physical phenomenon) That can be recorded; capturable.
recordable adj. (In privacy regulations) that can be subject of data retention.
REGARDABLEregardable adj. Worthy of regard; noteworthy.
regardable adj. Able to be regarded or viewed (as something).
REGARDABLE adj. worthy of regard or notice.
REWARDABLErewardable adj. Worthy of reward.
rewardable adj. Capable of being rewarded.
REWARDABLE adj. that can be rewarded.
UNFORDABLEunfordable adj. (Of a body of water) unable to be forded.
UNFORDABLE adj. that cannot be forded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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