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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing RACO

ANTHRACOIDanthracoid adj. (Biology) Resembling anthrax.
ANTHRACOID adj. resembling anthrax; resembling carbon, coal or charcoal.
BARRACOONSbarracoons n. Plural of barracoon.
BARRACOON n. (Spanish) an enclosure or barrack formerly used for the temporary confinement of slaves or convicts.
BARRACOUTAbarracouta n. (Australia, New Zealand) The snoek, Thyrsites atun, a foodfish.
BARRACOUTA n. (Spanish) a large marine fish resembling the mackerel, aka snoek.
CARACOLERScaracolers n. Plural of caracoler.
CARACOLER n. one who caracoles.
CARACOLINGcaracoling v. Present participle of caracole.
caracoling n. A caracole, or half-turn.
CARACOLE v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOL.
CARACOLLEDcaracolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of caracol.
CARACOL v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOLE.
DRACONISMSDRACONISM n. being draconic in the administration of laws.
DRACONITESdraconites n. Plural of draconite.
DRACONITES n. a jewel supposedly found inside a dragon's head.
OSTRACODANOSTRACODAN adj. relating to a class of minute crustacea with bivalve shells.
OSTRACODESostracodes n. Plural of ostracode.
OSTRACODE n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACOD.
RACONTEURSraconteurs n. Plural of raconteur.
RACONTEUR n. (French) a teller of anecdotes.
RACONTEUSEraconteuse n. A female storyteller.
RACONTEUSE n. (French) a female raconteur.
TERRACOTTAterracotta n. A hard red-brown unglazed earthenware, used for pottery and building construction.
terracotta n. A reddish brown colour, like that of terra cotta.
terracotta adj. Of the colour of terracotta.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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