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There are 18 words containing RMF

ARMFULarmful n. The amount an arm or arms can hold.
ARMFUL n. as much as the arm can hold.
ARMFULSarmfuls n. Plural of armful.
ARMFUL n. as much as the arm can hold.
CHARMFULcharmful adj. Abounding with charms.
CHARMFUL adj. full of charm.
FORMFITTINGformfitting adj. (Of clothing) That follows the contours of the body.
form-fitting adj. (Of clothing) Fitting closely to the body of the wearer, thus clearly revealing its shape.
FORMFITTING adj. fitting the form.
FORMFULformful adj. (Obsolete) creative; imaginative…
formful adj. Not formless; having a form; substantive.
formful adj. Well formed; aesthetically pleasing and skillfully constructed.
GERMFREEgerm-free adj. Without any (especially harmful) microorganisms; aseptic.
germ-free adj. (Sciences) Specifically, pertaining to an animal with no microorganisms living in or on it, used in…
GERMFREE adj. free of germs.
HARMFULharmful adj. Of a kind likely to be damaging; injurious.
HARMFUL adj. capable of harming.
HARMFULLYharmfully adv. In a harmful manner.
HARMFUL adv. capable of harming.
HARMFULNESSharmfulness n. The characteristic of being harmful.
HARMFULNESS n. the state of being harmful.
HARMFULNESSESharmfulnesses n. Plural of harmfulness.
HARMFULNESS n. the state of being harmful.
STORMFULstormful adj. Abounding with storms; stormy.
STORMFUL adj. abounding with storms.
STORMFULLYstormfully adv. In a stormful manner.
STORMFUL adv. abounding with storms.
STORMFULNESSstormfulness n. The quality of being stormful.
STORMFULNESS n. the state of being stormful, abounding with storms.
STORMFULNESSESSTORMFULNESS n. the state of being stormful, abounding with storms.
UNHARMFULunharmful adj. Not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adj. not harmful.
UNHARMFULLYunharmfully adv. In a way that is not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adv. not harmful.
WORMFLIESWORMFLY n. a type of fishing fly.
WORMFLYWORMFLY n. a type of fishing fly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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