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There are 16 words containing RKO

ARKOSEarkose n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock consisting of small fragments of feldspar and quartz similar to a coarse sand.
ARKOSE n. a sedimentary rock formed by the cementation of sand-sized grains of feldspar and quartz.
ARKOSESarkoses n. Plural of arkose.
ARKOSE n. a sedimentary rock formed by the cementation of sand-sized grains of feldspar and quartz.
ARKOSICarkosic adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to arkose.
ARKOSIC adj. pertaining to arkose, a type of sandstone.
BERKOberko adj. (Slang) mad; crazy.
BERKO adj. (Australian slang) berserk.
HAMMERKOPhammerkop n. A bird from southern Africa, Scopus umbretta, of the family Scopidaeand related to the herons.
HAMMERKOP n. (South African) a bird of the heron family.
HAMMERKOPShammerkops n. Plural of hammerkop.
HAMMERKOP n. (South African) a bird of the heron family.
HERKOGAMIESHERKOGAMY n. the prevention of self-pollination in plants, also HERCOGAMY.
HERKOGAMYherkogamy n. (Botany) Different relative positionings of the stigma and the anthers.
HERKOGAMY n. the prevention of self-pollination in plants, also HERCOGAMY.
KWASHIORKORkwashiorkor n. (Pathology) A form of malnutrition, found in children, caused by dietary insufficiency of protein in…
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
KWASHIORKORSkwashiorkors n. Plural of kwashiorkor.
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
PARKOURparkour n. (Sports) An athletic discipline, in which practitioners traverse any environment in the most efficient…
parkour v. (Sports, transitive, intransitive) To freerun; to use parkour (to move over).
PARKOUR n. a recreational pursuit in which participants traverse urban structures by running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, etc.
PARKOURSparkours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of parkour.
PARKOUR n. a recreational pursuit in which participants traverse urban structures by running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, etc.
TURKOISturkois n. Archaic form of turquoise.
TURKOIS n. (archaic) turquoise.
TURKOISESturkoises n. Plural of turkois.
TURKOIS n. (archaic) turquoise.
WORKOUTworkout n. An exercise session; a period of physical exercise.
workout n. A schedule or program of specific exercises, especially one intended to achieve a particular goal.
workout n. (By extension) Any activity that requires much physical or mental effort, or produces strain.
WORKOUTSworkouts n. Plural of workout.
WORKOUT n. a period of physical exercise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 273 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: 225 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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