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There are 18 words containing RIR

COUNTERIRRITANTcounterirritant n. (Pharmacology) Any substance used to cause inflammation in one part of the body with the goal of lessening…
COUNTERIRRITANT n. an agent applied locally to produce superficial inflammation with the object of reducing inflammation in deeper adjacent structures.
EYRIReyrir n. A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of an Icelandic króna.
EYRIR n. (Icelandic) a monetary unit of Iceland.
HARIRAharira n. A thickened, tomato-based Moroccan soup, popular during Ramadan.
HARIRA n. (Arabic) a kind of Moroccan soup.
HARIRAShariras n. Plural of harira.
HARIRA n. (Arabic) a kind of Moroccan soup.
HYPERIRRITABLEhyperirritable adj. Excessively prone to irritation.
HYPERIRRITABLE adj. extremely irritable.
PURIRIpuriri n. Vitex lucens, an evergreen tree endemic to New Zealand.
PURIRI n. (Maori) a timber tree of New Zealand, with red berries and glossy green leaves.
PURIRISpuriris n. Plural of puriri.
PURIRI n. (Maori) a timber tree of New Zealand, with red berries and glossy green leaves.
QUADRIREMEquadrireme n. (History, nautical) a galley with four banks of oars, each rowed by two oarsmen.
QUADRIREME n. an ancient ship with four banks of oars.
QUADRIREMESquadriremes n. Plural of quadrireme.
QUADRIREME n. an ancient ship with four banks of oars.
RIRORIRORIRORIRO n. (Maori) the grey warbler.
RIRORIROSRIRORIRO n. (Maori) the grey warbler.
SRIRACHAsriracha n. A Thai-style hot sauce, typically made from sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
SRIRACHASsrirachas n. Plural of sriracha.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
TRIRADIALtriradial adj. Radiating outward in three directions.
TRIRADIAL adj. three-rayed, also TRIRADIATE.
TRIRADIATEtriradiate adj. Having three rays.
TRIRADIATE adj. three-rayed, also TRIRADIAL.
TRIRADIATELYtriradiately adv. In a triradiate manner.
TRIRADIATE adv. three-rayed, also TRIRADIAL.
TRIREMEtrireme n. (History, nautical, archaic) A galley with three banks of oars, one above the other, used mainly as a warship.
TRIREME n. (Latin) an ancient Greek or Roman warship.
TRIREMEStriremes n. Plural of trireme.
TRIREME n. (Latin) an ancient Greek or Roman warship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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