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There are 16 nine-letter words containing RAH

ARAHUANASARAHUANA n. a large tropical fish, also ARAWANA, AROWANA, ARUANA.
ATTRAHENSATTRAHENS adj. (Latin) attracting.
ATTRAHENTattrahent adj. That attracts; drawing, attracting.
attrahent n. An attrahent agent; something that attracts.
ATTRAHENT adj. attracting; drawing towards or forward, also ATTRAHENS.
BRAHMANISBrahmanis n. Plural of Brahmani.
BRAHMANI n. (Hindi) a female member of the highest Hindu caste, also BRAHMIN.
COPPERAHScopperahs n. Plural of copperah.
COPPERAH n. (Malay) dried coconut meat, also COPRA, COPPRA, COPRAH.
HAFTARAHShaftarahs n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftarahs n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTORAHShaftorahs n. Plural of haftorah.
HAFTORAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAPHTARAHhaphtarah n. Alternative form of Haftarah.
HAPHTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA.
HOORAHINGhoorahing v. Present participle of hoorah.
HOORAH v. to shout hooray, also HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HURRAHINGhurrahing v. Present participle of hurrah.
hurrahing n. A cry of hurrah.
HURRAH v. to shout hurrah, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAY.
KUMARAHOUKUMARAHOU n. (Maori) a New Zealand shrub.
TERAHERTZterahertz n. A unit of measurement based on one trillion hertz.
terahertz n. One trillion hertz, 1012 Hz.
TERAHERTZ n. a large unit of electrical frequency.
TRAHISONSTRAHISON n. (French) treachery; treason.
ULTRAHEATultraheat n. Extreme heat.
ultraheat v. To heat to an extreme temperature.
ULTRAHEAT v. to heat to very high temperatures, as used for sterilisation.
ULTRAHIGHultrahigh adj. Alternative spelling of ultra-high.
ultra-high adj. Very, extremely, or exceedingly high.
ULTRAHIGH adj. very very high.
VIBRAHARPvibraharp n. The vibraphone.
VIBRAHARP n. an instrument having metal bars under which are electrically-operated resonators, played by striking the bars with small hammers, also VIBRAPHONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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