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There are 19 eight-letter words containing RUF

DANDRUFFdandruff n. Scaly white dead skin flakes from the human scalp; Pityriasis capitis.
dandruff v. To fall or cover with white flakes, like dandruff.
DANDRUFF n. a scurf that forms on the scalp, also DANDRIFF.
GRUFFESTgruffest adj. Superlative form of gruff: most gruff.
GRUFF adj. low and harsh in speech.
GRUFFIERgruffier adj. Comparative form of gruffy: more gruffy.
GRUFFY adj. low and harsh in speech.
GRUFFILYgruffily adv. In a gruffy way or manner.
GRUFFY adv. low and harsh in speech.
GRUFFINGgruffing v. Present participle of gruff.
GRUFF v. to utter in a gruff voice.
GRUFFISHgruffish adj. Somewhat gruff.
GRUFFISH adj. somewhat gruff.
OVERRUFFoverruff v. (Bridge) To ruff with a higher trump following a prior ruff on the same trick.
overruff n. (Bridge) An act of overruffing.
OVERRUFF v. at cards, to trump with a higher card than those already played.
RUFFIANSruffians n. Plural of ruffian.
RUFFIAN v. to behave like a tough, lawless person.
RUFFLERSrufflers n. Plural of ruffler.
RUFFLER n. a beggar posing as a maimed soldier or sailor.
RUFFLIERrufflier adj. Comparative form of ruffly: more ruffly.
RUFFLY adj. not smooth.
RUFFLIKErufflike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a ruff.
RUFFLIKE adj. resembling a pleated collar.
RUFFLINGruffling n. The action of the verb ruffle.
ruffling v. Present participle of ruffle.
RUFFLING n. the act of ruffling.
RUFIYAASrufiyaas n. Plural of rufiyaa.
RUFIYAA n. a monetary unit of the Maldives.
RUFOUSESRUFOUS n. a reddish or brownish-red colour.
SCRUFFEDscruffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of scruff.
SCRUFF v. in rugby, to engage in a scrummage.
TRUFFLEDtruffled adj. Provided, cooked, or stuffed with truffles.
TRUFFLE v. to hunt or root for truffles.
TRUFFLEStruffles n. Plural of truffle.
TRUFFLE v. to hunt or root for truffles.
UNRUFFLEunruffle v. (Transitive) To remove ruffles from; to make smooth.
unruffle v. (Transitive) To calm or soothe (a person).
unruffle v. (Intransitive) To calm down.
WOODRUFFwoodruff n. Galium odoratum, an aromatic herb.
Woodruff prop.n. A surname.
WOODRUFF n. a plant with small white flowers, also WOODROOF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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