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There are 18 eight-letter words containing ROZ

CROZIERScroziers n. Plural of crozier.
CROZIER n. a bishop's staff, also CROSIER.
CROZZLEDcrozzled adj. Shrunken or shrivelled from exposure to heat.
crozzled v. Simple past tense and past participle of crozzle.
CROZZLED adj. (Yorkshire dialect) of toast etc., dry and burnt.
DEFROZENdefrozen v. Past participle of defreeze.
DEFREEZE v. to thaw out, defrost.
ENFROZENenfrozen v. Past participle of enfreeze.
ENFREEZE v. to freeze; to congeal.
EUROZONEeurozone prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Eurozone.
Eurozone prop.n. Collectively, the European Union member states whose official currency is the euro.
EUROZONE n. the area formed by the countries using the euro.
FROZENLYfrozenly adv. While, or as if, frozen; in a manner that is cold, unfeeling, unmoving, etc.
FROZEN adv. FREEZE, to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature.
HYDROZOAhydrozoa n. A large group of marine animals, of the class Hydrozoa, whose life cycles contain a sexual and asexual stage.
Hydrozoa prop.n. A taxonomic class within the phylum Cnidaria – hydrozoas.
HYDROZOON n. any coelenterate of the class Hydrozoa, comprising organisms that are mostly marine and colonial with polyp and medusoid stages in the life cycle, also HYDROZOAN.
PIROZHKIpirozhki n. Small pastries filled with finely chopped meat, vegetables or fruit baked or fried, from eastern European…
pirozhki n. A single such pastry.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
PIROZHOKpirozhok n. Singular of pirozhki - Russian пирожки́.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
PREFROZEprefroze v. Simple past tense of prefreeze.
PREFREEZE v. to freeze beforehand.
PROZZIESprozzies n. Plural of prozzie.
prozzies n. Plural of prozzy.
PROZZIE n. a prostitute, also PROSS, PROSSIE, PROSTIE.
REFROZENrefrozen adj. Having been frozen again.
refrozen v. Past participle of refreeze.
REFREEZE v. to freeze again.
ROZELLESrozelles n. Plural of rozelle.
Rozelles prop.n. Plural of Rozelle.
ROZELLE n. an East Indian hibiscus, also ROSELLE.
ROZETINGROZET v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZIT.
ROZITINGROZIT v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZET.
SIEROZEMsierozem n. A kind of brownish-grey desert soil.
SIEROZEM n. (Russian) a type of soil, grayish at the top and brownish below, based on a carbonate or hardpan layer.
SPOROZOASporozoa prop.n. The sporozoans.
SPOROZOON n. a parasitic one-celled animal.
UNFROZENunfrozen adj. Not frozen.
unfrozen v. Past participle of unfreeze.
UNFREEZE v. to cause to thaw.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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