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There are 19 eight-letter words containing RFE

BEERFESTbeerfest n. A festival showcasing beers and similar beverages.
BEERFEST n. (US) a beer festival.
DWARFESTdwarfest adj. (Horticulture) superlative form of dwarf: most dwarf.
DWARF adj. extremely small.
ENSERFEDenserfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enserf.
enserfed adj. Bound as a serf; having the condition of a serf.
ENSERF v. to make a serf of.
FEVERFEWfeverfew n. A European aromatic perennial herb, Tanacetum parthenium (or Chrysanthemum parthenium or Pyrethrum parthenium)…
FEVERFEW n. a perennial herb.
FORFEITSforfeits n. Plural of forfeit.
forfeits n. A game in which forfeits are demanded.
forfeits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forfeit.
FORFENDSforfends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forfend.
FORFEND v. (archaic) to protect, also FOREFEND.
FORFEXESFORFEX n. (Latin) a pair of scissors or pincers.
OVERFEARoverfear v. (Transitive) To fear excessively; to be too afraid of.
OVERFEAR v. to fear too much.
OVERFEEDoverfeed v. (Transitive) To feed a person or animal too much.
overfeed v. (Intransitive) To eat more than is necessary.
overfeed v. To feed material (e.g. fuel into a burner) from above.
OVERFELLoverfell v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfall.
overfell v. To fell too many trees.
OVERFALL v. to fall over.
PERFECTAperfecta n. (Chiefly US) A kind of bet wherein the first and second-place finishers must be predicted in the correct order.
perfecta n. (Historical, Christianity) A female perfect (Cathar leader).
PERFECTA n. (Spanish) a form of bet in which the punter has to select and place in order the first two horses, dogs etc.
PERFECTIperfecti n. Plural of perfectus.
Perfecti n. Plural of Perfectus.
PERFECTI n. a Catharist sect in the 12th and 13th centuries who led very strict lives.
PERFECTOperfecto adj. (Informal, humorous) Perfect, excellent, brilliant.
perfecto n. A large, tapered cigar.
perfecto n. (Sports) In baseball or bowling, a perfect game.
PERFECTSperfects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of perfect.
PERFECT v. to make faultless.
RETURFEDreturfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of returf.
RETURF v. to lay new turf.
SCARFERSscarfers n. Plural of scarfer.
SCARFER n. one that eats or drinks voraciously.
SURFEITSsurfeits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of surfeit.
surfeits n. Plural of surfeit.
SURFEIT v. to indulge in excess.
UNDERFEDunderfed adj. Inadequately fed.
underfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of underfeed.
UNDERFED adj. fed an insufficient amount.
UNTURFEDunturfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unturf.
unturfed adj. Not having a covering of turf.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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