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There are 18 seven-letter words containing RTO

BARTONSbartons n. Plural of barton.
BARTON n. a farmyard.
BURTONSburtons n. Plural of burton.
BURTON n. a light handy two-block tackle.
CARTONScartons n. Plural of carton.
cartons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carton.
CARTON v. to pack in a cardboard box.
CARTOONcartoon n. (Comics) A humorous drawing, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings.
cartoon n. (Comics) A drawing satirising current public figures.
cartoon n. (Art) An artist’s preliminary sketch.
DORTOURdortour n. Alternative form of dorter.
DORTOUR n. (archaic) a dormitory, also DORTER.
ESPARTOesparto n. Either of two species of perennial grasses used for fibre production, and for making paper…
Esparto prop.n. A census-designated place in Yolo County, California, United States.
ESPARTO n. (Spanish) a tough, wiry grass, providing a fiber used for paper and cordage.
EVERTORevertor n. (Anatomy) A muscle that everts or turns outward.
EVERTOR n. a muscle that turns outwards.
ORTOLANortolan n. A small European migratory bunting (Emberiza hortulana), once eaten whole as a delicacy.
ortolan n. (US) Any of various similar birds, especially the bobolink, sora, or snow bunting.
ortolan n. The greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla).
OVERTOPovertop v. (Transitive) To be higher than; to rise over the top of.
overtop v. (Transitive) To place too many toppings on.
overtop adv. (Now chiefly North America) Over the top.
PARTONSpartons n. Plural of parton.
Partons prop.n. Plural of Parton.
PARTON n. a hypothetical particle that is held to be a constituent of nucleons.
PARTOOKpartook v. Simple past tense of partake.
PARTAKE v. to participate, also PERTAKE.
PERTOOKpertook v. Simple past tense of pertake.
PERTAKE v. (Shakespeare) to participate, also PARTAKE.
PORTOUSportous n. Alternative spelling of porteous.
QUARTOSquartos n. Plural of quarto.
QUARTO n. a book size made by folding sheet into four leaves.
SARTORSsartors n. Plural of sartor.
Sartors prop.n. Plural of Sartor.
SARTOR n. (Latin) a tailor.
STERTORstertor n. (Biology, medicine) The act of snoring, especially heavy snoring.
stertor n. (Biology, medicine) A snoring sound, as for example even during wakefulness in infants with breathing difficulties.
STERTOR n. (Latin) a heavy snoring sound, as that accompanying breathing in a deeply unconscious person.
SURTOUTsurtout n. A man’s overcoat; a close-bodied frock coat.
surtout n. (Fortifications) A raised portion of the parapet of a work at the angles, to protect from enfilade fire.
SURTOUT n. (French) a man's coat to be worn over his other garments.
TORTONItortoni n. Any of several sorts of ice-cream flavoured with rum or sherry, often containing chopped cherries and…
TORTONI n. (Italian) a rich ice-cream flavoured with wine and containing chopped fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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