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There are 13 six-letter words containing RUE

ACCRUEaccrue v. (Intransitive) To increase, to rise.
accrue v. (Intransitive) To reach or come to by way of increase; to arise or spring up because of growth or result…
accrue v. (Intransitive, accounting) To be incurred as a result of the passage of time.
CRUELScruels n. Glandular scrofulous swellings in the neck.
CRUELS n. (Scots) scrofula, the King's Evil, also CREWELS, CRUELLS.
CRUETScruets n. Plural of cruet.
CRUET n. a vessel used in religious ceremonies, esp. to hold the Eucharist.
EMBRUEembrue v. Alternative form of imbrue.
EMBRUE v. to drench, also IMBRUE.
GRUELSgruels n. Plural of gruel.
GRUEL v. to disable by hard work.
IMBRUEimbrue v. To stain (In, with, blood, slaughter, etc.).
IMBRUE v. to drench, also EMBRUE.
RUEDASRuedas prop.n. Plural of Rueda.
Ruedas prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
RUEDA n. (Spanish) a Cuban street dance, performed in a circle, featuring many turns and changes of partner.
RUEFULrueful adj. Causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow, especially in a wry or humorous way.
rueful adj. Inspiring pity or compassion.
rueful adj. Bad; woeful; deplorable.
RUEINGrueing v. Present participle of rue.
RUEING n. repentance.
RUELLEruelle n. (Archaic) The space between the bed and the wall.
ruelle n. (Archaic or historical) A chamber, (especially) as formerly used in France to hold a reception or a…
ruelle n. (Archaic) A private circle; a coterie.
SPRUESsprues n. Plural of sprue.
sprues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sprue.
SPRUE n. infantile thrush.
TRUESTtruest adj. Superlative form of true: most true.
TRUE adj. corresponding to fact, also TREW.
UNTRUEuntrue adj. False; not true.
untrue adj. Not faithful or loyal.
UNTRUE adj. not true.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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