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There are 18 six-letter words containing RDI

BARDICbardic adj. Of or pertaining to bards.
bardic n. A bardic circle or competition: a gathering or contest at which stories, poems, and/or songs are recited.
BARDIC adj. pertaining to a bard, poetic.
BARDIEbardie n. (Scotland) A minor poet or bard; used as a self-deprecatory epithet by Robert Burns.
bardie adj. Rude and insolent; bolshie.
bardie n. (Australia) The edible larva of an insect.
BIRDIEbirdie n. (Diminutive) A (little) bird; a birdling; a child’s term for a bird.
birdie n. (Golf) The completion of a hole one stroke below par.
birdie n. (Badminton) A shuttlecock.
BURDIEBURDIE n. (Scots) a (small) bird, also BIRDIE.
CARDIAcardia n. (Anatomy) The area of the stomach which directly receives contents from the esophagus.
Cardia prop.n. A former town in Thrace.
-cardia suff. (Medicine) Heart condition.
CARDIEcardie n. (Informal) A cardigan.
CARDIE n. (short for) cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front, also CARDI, CARDY.
CARDIOcardio adj. Cardiovascular; pertaining to the health of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
cardio n. (Exercise) Exercise with the goal of raising the heart rate. (clarification of this definition is needed)
cardio- pref. (Anatomy) Relating to the heart.
CARDIScardis n. Plural of cardi.
Cardis n. Plural of Cardi.
CARDI n. (short for) a short form of cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front, also CARDIE, CARDY.
FORDIDfordid v. Simple past tense and past participle of fordo.
FORDO v. to destroy, also FOREDO.
HERDICherdic n. A low-hung horse-drawn carriage with two or four wheels, a back entrance, and side seats.
HERDIC n. a low-hung carriage with a back entrance.
NERDICNerdic n. (Informal) The jargon and special vocabulary of computing, information technology and mobile devices; geekspeak.
NERDIC n. another name for geekspeak.
NORDICnordic adj. Of or relating to cross-country skiing.
nordic adj. (Rare) Alternative spelling of Nordic.
Nordic adj. Of or relating to the Nordic countries.
PARDIEpardie interj. By God!
PARDIE interj. (Shakespeare) assuredly, by God, used as a mild oath, also PARDI, PARDEE, PARDY, PERDIE, PERDY.
PERDIEperdie interj. Alternative form of pardie.
PERDIE interj. (Shakespeare) assuredly, by God, also PARDEE, PARDI, PARDIE, PARDY, PERDY.
SORDIDsordid adj. Distasteful, ignoble, vile, or contemptible.
sordid adj. Dirty or squalid.
sordid adj. Morally degrading.
VERDINverdin n. A small, yellow-headed passerine bird, Auriparus flaviceps, endemic to desert areas of the southwestern…
Verdin prop.n. A surname.
VERDIN n. a small yellow-headed bird of Lower California, allied to the titmice.
VERDITverdit n. Obsolete form of verdict.
VERDIT n. (Spenser) a verdict.
WORDIEwordie n. Diminutive of word.
wordie n. (Informal) Someone interested in words.
WORDIE n. a lover of words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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