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There are 15 six-letter words containing RBO

ARBORSarbors n. Plural of arbor.
ARBOR n. (Latin) a shady garden shelter, also ARBOUR.
ARBOURarbour n. UK standard spelling of arbor.
Arbour prop.n. A surname.
'arbour n. Pronunciation spelling of harbour.
BARBOTBARBOT n. a kind of large catfish, also BARBOTTE.
BURBOTburbot n. A freshwater fish, taxonomic name Lota lota, which is similar to the ling and the cusk and spawns in the winter.
BURBOT n. a long, slender, freshwater fish of cod family, aka eelpout.
CARBONcarbon n. (Uncountable) The chemical element (symbol C) with an atomic number of 6. It can be found in pure form…
carbon n. (Countable) An atom of this element, in reference to a molecule containing it.
carbon n. (Countable, informal) A sheet of carbon paper.
CARBOScarbos n. Plural of carbo.
Carbos prop.n. Plural of Carbo.
CARBO n. (short for) carbohydrate.
CARBOYcarboy n. A large, rigid bottle, originally made of glass and mainly used for fermentation, and now commonly made…
carboy v. (Transitive) To bottle in a carboy.
CARBOY n. a large green bottle encased in wicker.
EARBOBearbob n. Earring.
ear␣bob n. Alternative spelling of earbob.
EARBOB n. an earring.
GARBOSgarbos n. Plural of garbo.
GARBO n. (Australian slang) a garbage collector.
HARBORharbor n. (Countable) Any place of shelter.
harbor n. (Countable, nautical) A sheltered expanse of water, adjacent to land, in which ships may anchor or dock…
harbor n. (Countable, glassworking) A mixing box for materials.
JERBOAjerboa n. Any of a number of species comprising most of the family Dipodidae, native to the deserts of Asia and…
JERBOA n. (Arabic) a desert rodent that jumps on long legs like a kangaroo.
TARBOYTARBOY n. (Australian) a boy who applies tar to the skin of sheep cut during shearing.
TURBOSturbos n. Plural of turbo.
turbos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of turbo.
TURBO n. (Latin) a type of engine, also TURBINE.
TURBOTturbot n. A species of flatfish native to Europe (Scophthalmus maximus, earlier Psetta maxima).
turbot n. Any of various other flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae that are found in marine or brackish waters.
turbot n. Triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen.
WARBOTwarbot n. A robot used in physical warfare.
warbot n. (Internet) A malicious bot (automated user) designed to disrupt other users’ activity.
WARBOT n. any robot or unmanned vehicle or device designed for and used in warfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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